Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ginga's Valentine

Sweet memories...

( Click to enlarge)

In 1986, from Jan 22 to Feb 11, We were visiting our daughter, son-in-law and our first 2 grandsons at Fort Ord, Ca.

They had moved out to Ca just a month before. Tina and the babies had lived with us
( or near us) most of the 3 years since the birth of Dan. (our first grandchild) I had taken care of the boys for my daughter to work.

Needless to say, it was tough on the old grandparents to have these 2 fine boys move away! ....And we didn't wait very long to visit them - our first of 2 visits to Ca. I was able to stay a few extra days and fly back later by myself!

My little 'grand boys' were just under one and three years. Brian learned to walk while I was there. (9-1/2 mo.) Dan would be 3 in March.

You can tell by this picture with the boys, that this was just where I wanted to be! I had found my calling in being a grandmother!...Dan gave me the name 'Ginga,' so that was whom I was to the 3 grands that came after him! :) I loved that special name he gave me!

A few days after my sad but inevitable return home I got this Valentine from my sweet kids! Tina had made heart cookies for the boys and she asked Dan what she should write on them. Dan said, "write -I Love Ginga!" She did and mailed this very special Valentine to me! I spray varnished it and bought a little holder to hold it upright and put it in one of my doll cabinets! I have kept it there for 21 years!

This is one of my most cherished Valentines!



(aka-Junie Rose)


  1. Ohhhhh, I love this post Junie....and I LOVE that heart. You look so happy with the at home with them. They are adorable. It's nice to know they love you every bit as much now as back's easy to see in pictures you post Junie. You're a great Ginga!

  2. Thanks, Joy!

    Truly such happy days when they were little- and now too!


  3. Oh, that just melted my heart into a big gooey puddle. What an awesome treasure to have. This was a wonderful story, Junie.

  4. Awwww what a wonderful Valentine treasure indeed! Also really makes you miss them being that age, I bet. It's these little treasures that mean so much. Hugs xox

  5. Thanks,

    Morning Glory and Pea.

    I'm happy you enjoyed my memories of my first 2 boys! :) Yep- I miss them being little- and the other 2 'grands' that came after these 2!


  6. A lovely valentine, and a great story of how it came into being.
    Your family is really a good one!

  7. Thanks,

    Yep, this is a treasure- this little cookie Valentine!


  8. I wish I'd thought of that when the girls were younger (the cooky).

  9. Hi Ann,

    .....but your girls are still young enough. :)


  10. Oh, that is the sweetest thing, Junie! I can't wait to be a grandmother!!

  11. :) It has been fun, being a grandmother- still is!


  12. What a wonderful time. I gotta give my daughter a nudge or two so she can make us grandparents too!

  13. Hi Mike,

    Well, I tell you, there's nothing better than being grandparents! :) Hope your time will come soon!

