Saturday, February 10, 2007

Junie's day-2-10-07

I know you don't want to hear it but today was one of those really blah ones!

First off , I didn't sleep well. This is nothing new - just one more night added onto a whole long string of similar ones! It takes most of the day for me to get to feeling half-good....then it's almost time to think about trying to do the whole thing over again!


OK- let me list some good things of today...

  • It was a beautiful, sunny but mild day- with a blue, blue, sky! (however, I only saw it from my window)
  • This is what I had for favorite breakfast at this point in my life!
  • Now this is something I enjoy...watching the birds at the feeder! I can get pictures right through the window and screen- and zoom in so they look really close-up! I saw several kinds there today but only got pictures of these little Wrens!
  • Another nice thing-I had a surprise visit from my sister and brother-in-law and we had a good visit. They picked some oranges and grapefruit to take with them.
  • Charlie, (My Valentine) cooked his country dinner for us again...his greens and corn bread! Well, he added that to what I had started- which was a beef roast with onions and potatoes! As I may have mentioned before, I like his corn bread with a cup of buttermilk. (See pic)

OK~The day was melancholy~ just some sad feelings floating around!
Still, when put down in words here, ( in purple and white) I see it was not such a bad day!

Tomorrow I'll make it better...maybe a ride on the Victory!



  1. Hi Junie
    Start the day Your breakfast looks nice and healthy.Hope you had a lovely visit with your sister. then to top it off looks like your having a lovely evening meal. Take care keep smiling sending you big (((HUGS))).

  2. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for your good thoughts-

    Hope you're having a good day (or night)

    Hugs to you-


  3. The winter blahs are trying to get me but I'm fighting them tooth and nail! lol I think it's the time of year, so many of us get affected. Your breakfast and dinner looked so yummy...I'm always interested in seeing pictures of food because we seem to prepare it all so differently from country to country:-) Take care and hang in there!! Hugs xox

  4. That bird feeder is very pretty and oh so decorative. I too have a chance to watch the birds from the window. And our cats too...I placed a little bench on INSIDE the window, it's like they now have there own TV and boy do they ever love sitting for hours watching the birds, and frothing at the mouth. LOL

    Hope your day today will be better for you. That blue sky and sunshine I wish we's been so dark and gloomy and gray for days.

    Happy Sunday

  5. Corn bread with buttermilk with certainly brighten my day.

  6. Corn bread with buttermilk with certainly brighten my day.

  7. Hi Ann,

    :) yep- it's good!

  8. Hi Anni,

    Thanks for visiting. Enjoyed hearing about your cats!

    Today was a better one for me- thanks.

    ...And hope you'll soon be seeing some sunshiny days and blue skies!


  9. Pea,

    Thanks- I'm trying to hang in- I always look forward to spring.


