Friday, February 09, 2007

Scorpion Valentine! ...(don't miss the sunsets below!)

OK I bet this is something you didn't know about me!

love dead bugs and stuff...Spiders-moths-butterflies ...Etc! I even have a tiny lizard (well preserved) in my little box of nature things! Well- let me just say I find these things interesting , at least! Maybe it doesn't go so far as Love. (haha) The ones I like and -YES- collect are the ones we find long dead and this little Scorpion Charles found in an old tire and brought to me! :) NOT the ones we sometimes squish underfoot....and definitely not the little lizards I sometimes find drowned in my washing machine! ...:) nor- this one!

To find a BlueJay's feather
(shall I say- just out of the blue?) is a big thrill to me! Or a bird's nest... or tiny bird eggs or parts of the shell - or a Hornet's nest!!

Now- I know some folks might just go "Yuck" with this idea of my appreciating these things...but, on the other hand, you might be one who would collect sea shells or dried star fish and think they were really cool! Even sharks teeth are made into jewelry!

I once had a bottom dweller (scum sucker, we called it) in a fish tank that died! We just put it aside to dry out and the skeleton was very interesting; all the bones structure with these is on the outside! Not at all like other fish! I kept that skeleton in a rock garden in an aquarium for a long time! I think my grandson, Zach, finally took it!

Some folks like snake husband included...and in the past has dried and preserved at least 2 Rattlesnake skins and used them as wall hangings! The first one was kinda creepy to me and after a few years :) I insisted he take it down . He finally retired it to an outdoor shed...and a neighbor kid spied it so Charles gave it to him. However he has since acquired another one, which he proudly (to this day) has displayed in his bar!

I decided to make a little Valentine of this little -long dead- scorpion! It is actually very tiny- less than an inch long!
Cute, huh!!

Love ,



  1. I'm glad to leave these type of things to you. I don't find them appealing in the least, well except for the little nest maybe!

  2. ;)

    I don't like to get close to them (when alive) but they ARE interesting to look at.

    Oh!! I LOVE butterflies!!


  3. Junie...don't send me a Valentine ok??? LOL Oh dear, you really do like all these critters huh? I'm mostly terrified of bugs so I wouldn't be any good at collecting them, dead or alive, but I just find it amazing all the various things people collect!! Hugs xox

  4. Errr... "cute" isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe it, Junie!! Well, you have certainly surprised me today... I would never have expected you to find these sorts of things appealing! I guess people are full of surprises. I'm very glad you are happy with your dead critter collection, but I have to echo what Pea said: Please DON'T send me a Valentine!! :) :)

  5. Hi there, I’ve been relying on using Bloglines to do my daily rounds of the blogroll for a while now, it’s a very time saving method but it feels a bit impersonal at times, so it’s a hot Saturday, I’m gonna sit here and visit with everyone, It won’t feel any different to you but know that I chose to visit today instead of just answering an electronic reminder.
    Have a good day.
    To each their own June!!!

  6. LOL- Skye and Pea,

    Hey, I'm still the same little old sweet lady .. ;) just a little side of me you hadn't seen bfore!

    No- no Valentines with my critter collection- Lol- I don't have any to spare!! heehee


  7. Hi Peter,

    I'm glad you took the time to visit! Thanks!


  8. Hi June ~~ The only creepy, crawly creatures that I like are dead ones, so we have that in common. If they
    don't bother me, I won't bother them.

    Thanks so much for your visit, glad you liked the story of Billy and the fawn. It was a nice one, but sorry it made you cry. Take care, my friend,
    Love, Merle.

  9. Hi Merle,

    LOL- Yah-I like them better dead, too! Especially scorpions!

    Have a good weekend-


  10. Anonymous9:12 AM

    'Who'da thunk it'! Junie Rose with all her exciting act ivies claiming to be-" I'm still the same old sweet lady"! I can agree with the Sweet lady part --but "old" and "same" are giving trouble right now. Bur that's all right Junies we love you anyway!

  11. Lol!

    Thanks, Momma!

    But I am the 'same' and 'OLD,' as well as sweet! haha

    The interest in critters is just a small part of the whole package that makes up this 'JunieRose' person!

    Hope you're having a good day today!

