Friday, February 23, 2007

Spring Day-2-23-07

It's a beautiful Spring-like day here in Anthony.
It's so warm I even had to put on the AC!

I only wish I could feel better and get out and do some things ...yard work, I mean!
I hope I can manage that soon!... I need to plant new rose bushes!
(Or drop that ROSE part of my screen name here! :) )

Roses from last year!

I have been discouraged with my yard and gardens, as we have needed new gutters along the back and front of the house for a while now. The way our roof lines are, both the front and back, we get a torrent of rain flow and keep things in a real mess; especially with the new metal roof we had put on last year! It's impossible to have plants doing well for long!...Finally, Charles has agreed to have the gutters put up! They will be installed in a couple weeks!


Sunday, we have tentative plans to visit with the kids in Orlando. I hope we can.
I miss the way things were for us a few years ago-when our grandkids were still 'Kids' and we could all get together more often! It seems like the changes happened so quickly!
I realize life is made up of changes- but I don't like it that much!

THOSE were the days! This was probably about 8 years ago!
I think it was Brian's 14th. birthday!


My husband was just reading a classified ad...someone has some miniature cows for sale- Holsteins; a bull , 2 cows and a calf!
Charles was raised on a farm and has ideas of having
fresh milk- straight from his own cows!

I nixed that idea -pronto!
No way will I go that far back in time- to be tied to a cow that has to be milked daily!

He shut up about it- but it would not surprise me at all if he buys these cows!

:) He once bought a goat when we lived in an apartment! Of course we had to keep it tied in the yard! Don't ask why he did this because I never figured it out!

Our first Thanksgiving he bought a turkey right out of a farm yard- just for the experience of doing one up 'from scratch,' so to speak! A HUGE turkey, at that - 25 pounder! (for the 2 of us and my baby boy!) Neither of us ever having cooked a turkey- especially one that fresh!
As I recall that turkey was very tasty but looked like pure heck - served up on the platter!
For some reason Charles insisted we BOIL it first, in a big pot of water, and then bake it in the oven! So, it was all apart when served. Not at all like I imagined a Thanksgiving turkey should look!

LOL- since that time I have learned to do a turkey up right!

Thanksgiving Turkey-2006


Oh, well, enough of my rambling for now!

Funny how your thoughts just flit here and there sometimes!

None of these things I've posted about today are connected...except they are part of my life...of what has gone into the making of this JunieRose person!





  1. No fair! (said in a very whiney voice) I'd love to need the air conditioning on. It's gray and snowing again. Can't complain though, really -- we haven't had much snow. Just very, very cold.

    When our girls were little we bought some baby chicks at Easter and raised them in our back yard (we lived IN the city limits) and then butchered them. They were wonderful tasting, but stinky in the warm weather before it was time to butcher them.

  2. Hi June Loved the the babies, I do miss not living in the country when I see lovely pictures like these.

    The first turkey I ever cooked was complete with the bag of giblets inside of it, I too have learned from those days.
    Cheers Margaret.

  3. :)

    Sorry- I would share this nice weather if I could!

    Since we've been here (moved from Miami 19 years ago) we have raised chickens, ducks and geese. We never ate more than a couple of roosters. (I get to attached to my animals! )

    We did have a big supply of fresh eggs! We don't have any chicks etc. now. I liked having them around but the hawks found them very tasty and , finally, I gave up on them!

  4. Hi Margaret,

    ;) I have done that with chickens! ( cooked the giblets inside)

    Oh well, we live and learn, ehh?

    :0 I bet we know just about everything by now, don't you think so?

  5. It was -8F this morning when I got up so I'm very envious of your heat at the moment! lol Oh dear, it really does sound like Charles wants a nice big farm! lol It will be interesting to see if he does go ahead and buy those cows! I'm still giggling at the turkey story!!! xoxo

  6. Anonymous7:20 PM

    miniature cows???? how miniature is that? like maybe the size of one of my dogs??? i would LOVE to have a cow!!!!

  7. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Hi Bonnie,

    Not sure how small- probably about like miniature horses. Chas. just told me they are Jersey cows- not Holstein, as I said in the post!

    But we are NOT gonna get them.
    (crossing my fingers!)

    To have a cow give milk you would first have to breed her- then take the baby away very early (just a couple weeks) Then she comes into heat again-soon -and does it all over again. You can milk her until shortly before the next baby is born...then take THAT baby away early and REPEAT! That way you can have a cow keep giving milk almost FOREVER! HAHA

    You have to have yer own bull- without the babies there is no milk! lol- I guess we all know that!

    Sounds kinda yucky if you stop to think about it.
    And I think I prefer getting my milk from a nice , clean plastic jug!


  8. Pea,

    ;) Chas. grew up on a farm He likes having farm animals- and we have had just about everything here...and he's mentioned having a cow for milk before- but I'm not gonna do that!

    If he ever DOES go so far as to get a cow for milking it will be his project- not mine! :)
    My goodness! This is 2007- not 1937!


  9. Hi June ~~ Interesting post. Our minds go off in all directios sometimes, and we wonder why but it makes life interesting. The calves and the bulls look nice. Milking cows is such a tie, twice a day.It means you cannot stay away on trips etc.
    Thanks for your comment. We are all
    getting to the Retarded stage !!
    Glad you had a nice warm day. Take care, Love, Merle.

  10. Hi Junie love the colour of your Roses. Oh if you had a milking cow you would be house bound, no holidays,
    Pleased you like my birds.Jen

  11. I love that you talk about all kinds of things! Your roses are so pretty, and I could just imagine that turkey on your first Thanksgiving!!
    I thoroughly agree about the grandkids....mine are all teenagers now so no more little kids to play with. But everything changes and in the future I'll be a Great-grandma and have a whole new bunch of kids to enjoy!

  12. Janet,


    Yes-I just go with whatever comes to mind here! Lol- I probably show more of myself and my feelings than most bloggers....Not sure if that's always a good thing. But that's just the way it is with me-and blogging!

    In REAL life I am a very shy person and have trouble being outgoing and open with people!

    For me- blogging is a good thing!
    I have found an outlet for expressing myself and something that takes up some of the slack for a lot of recent changes in my life!

    I finally went with the new blogger-and discovered how fun labels on posts can be! I spent a lot of time yesterday going back through some of my old posts and linking a lot of stuff together!...So now if someone likes-for instance- love poems-they can read others...or about music- or cows- or whatever! ;)

    I find that fun!!


  13. still can't believe you are running the AC...heat pumping away here...I dread seeing the bill!!

  14. We had two goats for our kids when we lived in CA, but we had plenty of room to keep them. We ended up giving them away though after the kids lost interest in them.

    I look forward to seeing pics of your roses and other flowers. Tell Charles if he takes care of the gutter situation, you'll agree to him buying a couple of cows -- as long as it's HIM that takes care of them!!

    We're having some torential rains today, so I'm going to get some things done inside the house. One of those things is making time to visit my blog buddies. I hope you have a nice weekend, JunieRose. I hope your great weather lasts!!

  15. Merle and Jen,

    Thanks for visiting and reading my ramblings! :)

    Lol- no MILK COW for me!


  16. Tammy,

    Yep- It's another AC day here! :) but I think I love being COOL more than most do. If it gets up to 75- I have to have the AC get it back to 72!


  17. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Thanks for visiting.

    We have had goats too. Nothing cuter than baby goats- but they turned out to be a lot of trouble for us. We had a herd of 20 or more, at times.

    Lol- C. is not talking about the cows anymore! Surely he has more sense than that!! (cows that have to be milked 2 times a day!!!) as for the gutters- that plan is in the works!

    I have been busy labeling my posts-as I just switched to the new blogger!- A huge undertaking- getting everything labeled-(lol- almost 600 posts-hahaha!

