Friday, March 09, 2007

Blonde Joke

Yep! I was very blonde for awhile! I was 17 in this pic!
LOL! I didn't stay that blonde for very long!


I got this blonde joke from a friend today ! Something to make us smile in it's absurdity.


Subject: Replacement windows

Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive
double-pane energy efficient kind.

But this week I got a call from the contractor complaining that his work had
been completed a whole year ago and I hadn't paid for them.

Boy oh boy, did we go around!

Just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid.

So, I proceeded to tell him just what his fast talking sales guy had told
me.. that in one year the windows would pay for themselves.

There was silence on the other end, so I just hung up, and I haven't heard
back from him.

Guess I won that stupid argument.




  1. Are you serious??? Is that a blonde joke or did that really happen? What a hoot, if that's real.

    BTW, your picture is quite stunning.

  2. Morning Glory,

    ;) It's just a joke!

    (I HOPE! least it wasn't me! haha)

    I got it in an email today-and I had read it before,also.

    Thanks for the compliment . (the picture) That was late 50s-I didn't stay blonde very long.My natural color was med brown.


  3. That is quite funny... and I've heard a saleman say that before, but since I'm a brunette, I paid for mine right away...LOL

    You look like a movie star in that picture....

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for coming by.

    :) yah -that email joke was funny. And -yes - that is something we have all heard from salesmen! :)

    That pic was in 1958- the times of all the glamor girl blondes in the movies! I guess I just wanted to see what I'd look like VERY BLONDE!

    Yikes!...almost 50 years ago!

  5. Anonymous9:24 PM

    A great photo and indeed, you were a beautiful blonde. I've often wondered what would happen if we could go back to the days of "stunning".

    My daughter-in-law is a very natural blonde who hates blonde jokes. This does not keep me from teasing her every once in awhile with a good one. Think I will send this one on to her.

  6. Hi Maria,

    Quite a jump back to 'stunning' from "frumpy!" haha ...don't think I could manage it!

    My natural color is much darker -and I was only blonde for a short while.

    lol- funny, tho, in my older years I am blonder-only to hide the gray better! :)

    I have always admired natural blonds. My sister is one.

    ( I wonder how the 'Dumb Blonde Jokes' got started, in the first place!)
    Of course, it's just all in fun! We joke about everything these days!

    Thanks for visiting, Maria

  7. LOL!! That is too funny. You looked great as a blond..woo woo.

  8. Hi Shelly,

    :) it was a funny one....but we blonds don't mind!

    Thanks for coming by!


  9. LOL love it! It may just be a joke but can you imagine being able to say that and get away with it? hehe Oh Junie, how beautiful you are in that picture:-) xox

  10. Hi June ~~ You sure were a beautiful blonde way back when, but you are still beautiful and have a lovely smile. Thanks for your visit, glad you liked the jokes. Take care, Love, Merle.

  11. Thanks for visiting ,
    Pea and Merle,
    and thanks for the nice compliments .



  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I just spewed my coffee on that one, LOL!

  13. Cute...has anyone ever told you you looked like Tammy Wynette in that picture??

  14. Carolyn,

    LOL- sorry
    Hope the joke did that-not the blonde pic!! ;)



    :) No-no one ever told me I look like Tammy Wynette!

    Hay! I was goin' for the Marilyn Monroe look! haha!!!


  15. Pretty pic of you!

    LOVE the blonde joke.
    Those are what I call cost efficient windows!!

  16. Thanks!

    I was just a baby in that picture!

    I don't usually put jokes here (because I know we all get jokes in Emails) but that one was funny- and not an 'off color' or 'Un-JunieRose' type!


  17. Gidday Junierose,

    Yep, I was blonde once too. Must do a post of this one day as it certainly created a stir. Mind you I was in my 50's when I went blonde. My natural colour is medium brown,but is now going salt & pepper.

  18. Wazza,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Would love to see a pic of you blonde so will be waiting for that post.


  19. Anonymous11:49 AM

    lol blonde jokes are so funny!
