Thursday, March 08, 2007

Red Hat Grammie

I'm sure most of us have seen groups of ladies in purple and red when we're out and about! (Red hats and Purple dresses) These groups always seem to be having a grand old time! I've seen them in lots of places...especially at restaurants! That seems to be the favorite past time of all age groups, doesn't it? :)

Awhile back my daughter and granddaughter suggested Ginga,(That's me) should join the Red Hat Ladies. What!! Did they think I had grown too advanced in age to run with them? Probably so! :(

Well, reading up on the Red Hat Society, I see anyone of age 50 or older can qualify...also they accept under 50's but they have to wear a PINK hat until they reach the proper age ! ;) Well, for sure I'm of the right age to fit right in here! Come to think of it, most of the people I know are, at least 50, or not far from it! EVEN my kids!

Read all about The Red Hat Ladies here!

Although these colorful ladies seem to enjoy things a lot, it didn't seem 'my cup of tea' to join up with people I didn't know. (this shyness thing I have) Oh, well!

A couple weeks back when we went to Orlando to visit the kids, we stopped at an antiques/ flea Market place. First thing I noticed were groups of the Red Hat ladies, decked out in their red and purple and their big smiles!

Then I saw THIS among a lot of other dolls! (mostly babies ) She stood out and I just had to have her! Isn't she cute! She is called Red Hat Grammie!

We went on to visit the kids and I set her up to be admired! Lol- my daughter Tam said,"Mom, she looks just like you!" Tina and Alli agreed! ;)

It must be the hair!!

Or, maybe it's the SMILE!

Well, look at that! She has the same musical tastes as I do, too!

Wonder if she likes Alice Cooper! ;)



  1. I DO see the resemblance, Junie!! That's hilarious! I really like her.

  2. Lol the doll DOES look like you Junie!! hehe How cool is that?!! I'm glad you bought her:-) I have read about those red hat groups...I hate wearing hats so I guess no joining their club for me! hehe xox

  3. Yes, there is a bit of a resemblance! But I think your smile is better.

  4. Skye



    Lol- Thanks for looking!

    Yes, I DO look a bit like that red hat Grammie...but that's ok! She's cute!


  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    (with tongue in cheek) Junie Rose I am so jealous because I always wanted a doll that looked like me and you found yours!!!!

    (MOMMA) Mary

    Actually-this old Red Hat Grammie has a much trimmer figure than mine-so I feel honored to be compared favorably to her! ;)

    Thanks for coming and looking.

    Junie Rose

  7. Now that is just too cute...she does look like you!!
    I've always wanted to be a "Red Hat Lady"...too young still and I've also wanted to join a ladies Bunko group...sounds like so much fun...
    Don't be shy Miz Junie!!

  8. Hi Tammy,

    Well, thanks!;)

    No, I didn't pose to be a model for that doll- in case you're wondering! :) I DO see that she looks like me!

    ...but Tammy- you could join up with the Red Hats...only you'd have to wear a PINK hat until you reached age 50! (LOL-I just bet there's not that many wearing the PINK hats!-I've never seen any!)


  9. I have a few friends that are red hat ladies, but for some reason I think they look pretty goofy...I have never really been that shy, but I just don't think I need to wear a red hat and purple dress to get attention....I can do that wearing normal clothes....I'll probably have all the red hat ladies on my back now.....LOL but I love the doll....years ago when I went to a craft show, they were selling red had dolls with the poem....I loved the poem, and almost bought the doll.....but thats as far as it gets......and you really have a cuter smile than that doll.....(did I spell cuter right?) I added you to my favorites list Junie, I hope you don't mind.....that way I can visit Fl. when i want.....LOL

  10. Hi,

    :) I probably wouldn't ever join the red hats either- but I DO see a lot of very elderly ladies with younger ones so maybe it's a good thing for some ppl- a good way to get out and do things together!

    I DO like the little doll tho, and am glad I got her!
    ;) I looked through my pictures and found one that was a pretty good match to her! :)

    BTW- Was at your site again-and see that you have some poems. I love reading poems and writing them! I have a poem site and also a site for my crafts and collectables-and one just for my Mom Memories. ( all on my side bar)

    I'm happy you wanted to include me on your blog roll- thanks! ( I need to update mine , and will soon)



  11. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I became a "Red Hatter" in October. One of my co-workers bought me a darling red summer hat, turned the brim up in front and added one pink and one purple flower on it. All of my co-workers treated me well on my 50th...none of that silly black was a real sweet celebration in my honor!

    I love the Red Hat cute or as I like to often "tootsie"...*smile*

    Yours truly,
    the Fogelberg Fanatic Friend

  12. Hi,

    I'm pretty sure you are the DF fan who visited me a while back- and told me about the EVER ON Fogelberg website...I searched and searched but can't find the info on you that I thought I had saved! :(
    Are you the gal who does the Dream Catchers...If so , I'd like to have the info again of how to get there.

    Yes- my little Red Hat lady is very cute. It might be fun to be a part of all that- but I don't know anyone involved around here.

    Thanks for coming again- and hope to hear from you.


  13. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I do not believe that I told you about Ever On and I am not the one who does Dream Catchers.
    However, here is the address...

  14. ...then I don't know you...

    I went to that website but had no luck with it-

    I guess you have to sign up-and I didn't.

    Oh, well- Welcome to my blog anyway! :)


  15. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Junie...also try this...
    (type address altogether, of course)

    hope that helps you!

    Anonymous Fogelberg Fanatic Friend

  16. The Red Hat ladies are a hoot. I posted about them some time ago.

    Caught up with you again I think.

    Sorry to be so hit and miss with my reading and commenting.

    Our spring flowers are busting out all over too.
