Monday, March 19, 2007

End of Innocence

End of innocence!

At the beginning of this year I had a list of things I needed to do to improve my life! Mostly , they were things pertaining to health matters-check-ups-etc. ; in other words-maintenance for this old body of
JunieRose! I had a long list of almost every part of myself that needed attention!

Reg. check-up and lab work ~ (not yet done)

Bone density test ~ (done-and good report)

Thyroid check ~(Not yet done)

Mammogram ~(done-no problem!)

GYN ~ ( my doctor retired and I'm left in a quandary - not knowing who to see...hating this turn of events! Am already 3 months past due for a check-up)

Ears ~(Nothing done there!)

Dental~ ( appointments made and kept- 2 crowns- and cleaning coming up)

~Finally got my appointment and went today. It had been close to 4 years since I had been tested so I was sure I would need new glasses -2 pair - as I have to use dark glasses, too; because of my sensitivity to bright lights. I was sure a new prescription for glasses would fix me right up!

Wrong! Something I just took for granted was quickly taken out of the picture! And no pun intended-but it's the truth! My naive-ness concerning my vision was shattered today. The end of my innocence!

No up-grade in my glasses would help me see any better at all! It turns out the only thing to benefit me is cataract surgery for both eyes!

It's no real emergency and the decision is mine, of course, but is the only option if I want to see better! (meanwhile-my old glasses are falling apart...but would it make sense to put more $ into glasses? Probably not!)

I know- in these times- this surgery is not so unusual! In fact, my husband had it done and with good results! He doesn't need glasses at all now. Still, it's a quite scary thing for me! Although rare, it's possible to result in blindness!

My blogging friends... I would appreciate your thoughts on this!


*Here's a nice thought...I might once again be able to apply eye makeup to these eyes of mine without mishap! As it is now it's just a hit or miss game with my makeup!*

COOL! :)


(Behind Blue Eyes)


  1. Oh Junie, don't be frightened by it. My husband has also had it done on both eyes, and the improvement was astounding. It's very quick, as you know from your husband's experience, and you'll be so glad you did.

    Please let us know when, so we can pray for you that day.

  2. Morning Glory,

    Thanks for the encouraging words.

    I know it's done a lot these days and the rish is very small that something could go wrong!...I probably won't do it right away. (but most likely in the next few weeks I will go ahead with it)



  3. Hi Junie,
    I believe its a very quick operation, 2 of my friends have had it done and there very good, iwish you all best when you have to get it done please let us know when.

  4. Hi Jan,

    Thanks !
    I know it's a common operation and usually with good results ....just have to get used to the idea! I just was not expecting that!

  5. Oh, Junie, what a bad surprise! I don't blame you for feeling apprehensive... our eyes are such personal and sensitive things.

    I definitely think you should get it done, though. Everyone I know who's had it done has found it well worth doing. Just think how much better you will be able to view all those sunsets, flowers, birds, etc! I know you'll be happy afterwards. It's just surviving the apprehension beforehand that will be the tricky part!

  6. Thanks Skye,

    I know you're right. I just have to get used to the idea! It was just unexpected!

  7. Junie, Susie's husband Bill had the cataract surgery done recently, and also another blog friend's husband. Both had excellent results. Also, a friend at church had it done just last week and said it only took 15 minutes and was a piece of cake. My hubby just found out he'll have to have it soon too. Knowing people who've had success is a big encouragement to him. I know how you must feel though. The thought of having something done to my eyes would make me very apprehensive. I hope you'll go ahead and have it and that you'll see with wonderful clarity afterward. Best of luck to you!
    Oh, and I love those kitties of yours :)

  8. Kerri,

    Thanks for the encouragement . I know several ppl who have had the eye surgery done , including my husband, and most have good results! It just came as a big shock to me because I was not aware that I had cataracts. I will probably go ahead with it before too long....Just have to get used to the idea!

    Thanks about my kitties , too! :) They are a fine pair of cats!! (They *STAR* on my blog often!


  9. Junie...your beautiful eyes deserve to see as long and as clearly as they can. You've got so much beauty to look everything and everyone around you.

    I would be like you...pondering it. But's done all the time...example..Charlie. It's been great for him. My mother had it done when she was alive, and it made a big difference for her...even though she only had it done in one eye.

    It's a pretty normal and uninvasive procedure these days Junie. DO IT....for your eyes and you.

  10. Thanks, Joy,

    It's been so good having this encouragement from my blog friends . I appreciate the concern and caring very much .

    I suppose I will go ahead and have ithe surgery done- it seems the only option I have. I know it's not an unusual operation these days and is usually very successful!

    Lol- will be great to be able to apply eye makeup again!
    Kinda hard to do with your glasses on! ;)


  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I had the left eye done in December and the right eye in January. No glasses now Junie Rose except for small print on medicine bottle labels. Both were out patient procedures and I was driving two days later. I had worn glasses for years and now other then a small problem with very small print and a little problem with distance (I can still see the blinker lights a mile apart at night)that I wasn't aware of I am good to go. I found I had been living in a continuing fading of light. The rooms were getting darker and places at the table where I used to read were difficult to see and I would squint to the point of getting a headache. Please don't hesitate on getting this procedure done. I will make life so much brighter and easier for you.

  12. Oh, wow! (Momma-Mary)
    Thanks so much for this encouraging post!

    Yours is certainly a success story . I'm happy for you- It's just wonderful that it it turned out so well for you!

    I'm sure I will go ahead with it soon and just trust that it will be a great success for me too!

    My husband had it done-and it was a success for him too....tho he tells me it is not perfect! He does have to wear glasses for reading small print.

    (Well, I gave up on expecting PERFECTION a long time ago- so I will probably be happy with the improvement for ME!)



  13. Hi June, I don't know anything about cataract surgery but as of Tuesday I will know a lot more about eye surgery in general as I am due to have the terigium? sp removed from my left eye... stay tuned.

  14. Gidday June,
    My mother, who has since passed away, had cataracts removed from both eyes when she was 80 and it improved her eyesight no end. She had no problems with the surgery so go ahead and get it done as soon as you want to.

  15. Perer,

    Best of luck with that surgery. I'll be thinking about you and hoping it goes well for you.

    As for me- I don't plan to have this cataract thing done right away! ...but probably will within the next few months!
    ...I'm a little nervous about it. ( just thinking of what COULD happen )



  16. Wazza,

    Thanks for the encouragement. I probably will go ahead with it before too long.

