Sunday, March 04, 2007

Our day-3-4-07-A Victory Ride.

Here are two old motorcycle guys going for a ride!

I told Charles to please bring my brother back in one piece!

Lol- and that's MY helmet Ray's wearing, too!

Yikes! I hope Charles told him about the 2 bolts that have jolted off my back seat! (back rest)

Charles has told me it's safe to ride without them in....but - if you remember- he told me it was ok to stand on that pond rim in NC too!

I'll be happy to see these 2 guys get back home!



  1. I hope they stay safe!!

  2. ;) they made it back!!

  3. Oh just read that link you provided...about you falling in the ice cold water...I know it couldn't have been funny at the time but now I'm giggling at the thought of it! It's seeing that last picture with your hat frozen under water that had me laughing...honest! lol Glad that Charles and your brother made it back from their ride safely!! xoxo

  4. Pea,

    ;) It's ok to laugh-I did-all the way back to the motel!

    The 2 posts following this one are kinda funny too- concerning my hair!

    Yah- my motorcycle guys made it home ok- They just took a short ride!




  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I don't know about you, but that helmet, well, it's too much for me. I think though,He may want to start wearing it when he drives:D

  6. Hey Marc,

    LOL- You don't like my helmet?

    Actually, that's not the one I usually wear but it's probably the one I should always wear- as it covers more of the head!

    Anyway- they made it back safe and sound!

