Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Victory ...etc...

...about the Victory...everyone seems drawn to it these days!

Recently I went to put the garage door down and this is what I saw!

What was surprising is that General let Tiger be in the driver's seat!


Charles found this recently when he went to ride the Victory ! (after not riding for a few days!)
Little wrens had built a nest in the helmet he had left hanging on the motorcycle! I guess the helmet looked like a perfect place for a home! You can see there had been a lot of work put into that nest- though no eggs had yet been laid in it!

You see- our garage is open a lot during the day.

We both felt bad about having to disturb the nest, and since C. has another helmet to use, we decided to just relocate the helmet & nest nearby so that the birds might continue with their plans!

seem to have decided against it. Nothing more has been added, as far as I can determine...certainly no eggs! ;(




  1. You certainly have interesting stuff going on at your house. :) ec

  2. ;) Yes! I do!

    Life is an adventure!


  3. I tell's are gonna take over the!!
    Too bad about the hoo...but those cat's might have got ahold of em...that would not be good!!

  4. Hi Tammy,

    Yep! Probably for the best that those birds moved on...


  5. Woohoo! Biker Cats!! lol That picture is just too cute! It's amazing the places birds will make their nests...maybe they saw the cats afterwards and decided agaisnt laying their eggs there! lol xoxo

  6. Hi Pea,

    Yes, the birds might have seen the cats and decided the garage wasn't a good place after all! :)

  7. Hi, I dont expect you will get to read this (being a old post)but if you do i have an explanation for you. Here in G B the cock Wren makes as many as 5-6 nests then the hen bird inspects them all, picking the one she likes and discarding the rest. anyway keep up the good work.

  8. Hi,
    And welcome to my blog! Thanks for coming and posting.

    I didn't know that fact about wrens and their nesting habits! Thanks! Well, I'm happy she decided against the motorcycle helmet, anyway. :)

    I went to your site for a quick look...Very pretty pictures you have posted there. I'll be back to explore again .

    If you've checked out my blog you will know I go off in a lot of different directions! Never know what you might find here! :) But I hope you will find some things of interest and come back again!

    Since you're a motorcycle rider you might find some of our rides interesting...I've linked several to my recent posts.:)


  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    i do so love the bird nest in the helmut...fitting

