Monday, March 05, 2007

Shopping woes!!

Our company spent the day traveling to visit other family. ( a couple hours south of us) It was just a day trip! I could have gone but just didn't feel up to it .

I needed to shop, anyway, in fact-couldn't put it off any longer! Didn't feel well but off I went to Wal-Mart!

I have to say it was a most aggravating day of shopping! I have never seen it so crowded- and everyone taking the center part of the aisle- where ever I went!...Trying to get a dozen eggs became a major deal-as there were 2 other customers blocking my way; and both examining box after box of eggs! When I finally was able to get to the cooler and grab a box I half expected to find broken eggs because of the big deal those 2 ppl (and their spouses) had made in their eggs selections! But no! The first box I picked up had perfect-unbroken eggs!

I experienced, time after time, shopping carts left in the center of aisles... blocking other shoppers from either direction! Many impatient shaking of heads I saw from other shoppers-as I, myself, tried to be patient and not say more than an occasional, "Excuse me, mam!" The p
eople riding the motorized carts seemed to out number us folks pushing shopping carts- two to one...and they too would stop in the middle of the aisles, taking up even more room.

Sometimes I would just have to give up and go back the way I came...thus... forgetting some items I had meant to buy!

Also- many of the shelves were not stocked...Peanut butter shelf was completely empty-and the jelly supply was very low!

I picked up a box of Bryers Ice cream- but found no heavy paper bags to put it in , as I usually am able to do! The only carton of chocolate soy-silk was so far back on a top shelf of the cooler, I couldn't dream of reaching I said, "Junie, just forget it!"

Finally I couldn't take any more frustration so headed for the check out. There were many open and each had customers 3 or 4 deep! With three ppl ahead of me, I looked at the Bryers and knew what I had to do...I told the lady behind me I'd be right back and I rushed off to return the ice cream to the nearest freezer...Didn't bother to put it with it's own kind but left it with Blue Bunny-or Mr.Ed or some such! It was closer! Hey- I was afraid of losing my place at that check out stand!

Even before I loaded up my stuff into my car I thought of things I had forgotten...but I was not about to go back in there!

I can't figure out what was with Wal-Mart today. It's bike week at Daytona so that might have had something to do with least the empty shelves...However, those customers didn't look much like bikers to me!! :)

Finally- I get $200.00 + worth of stuff stashed away in the trunk of my car! And per my plan-as a reward I put this box of PEEPS on the front seat next to me! As you can see I ate 4 of the sweet, sticky, gooey little chicks on my way home! Comfort food! I needed it!

...and it goes on and on...

I get home and see that Charlie is home! Oh, Joy! Is my luck changing? Two dogs and one cat are there on the drive way...The dogs have enough sense to move...Tiger, on the other hand, doesn't budge...I blow the horn several times! This doesn't move the cat- nor does it move the man inside from in front of the TV! I turn the car off- yell at the cat to move. (he sees I mean business-so moves!) I get back in-drive the car to a more convenient place for the groceries to be unloaded! I grab as many bags as I can handle in one trip. Finally get Charlie moving to unload the rest!

About this time an old neighbor guy comes to the back door to visit with Charles!
...He was there close to an hour-for just a BS visit- while my groceries waited and waited... I put the things away that had been unloaded...but I said, "To heck with the rest!"

...Well, to be honest-I DID rescue that big pk. of ground chuck that was to be our dinner! (Lol- no pun intended with that Ground Chuck!)

CHUCK was able to unload the rest for me!

This is the reaction I got from General at his dinner time as I served him and Tiger the last of the Meow mix in the bag I had! (which was mostly fine crumbs!)
Yes! The cat food is one of the items I failed to get today! :(

My frivolous spending was not all that great either. I found no music I wanted to buy...
I bought some potted herbs - Sage and Parsley-and some dish towels! (I like these all cotton ones) Also some fake flowers for some pots I have at the front entrance! OH! And an Enquirer! ;) And the PEEPS!

...Just a day in the life...




  1. Ahh, Junie, I've had many frustrating Walmart superstore grocery shopping trips such as you have described here! I've stopped buying groceries there, even though it's much cheaper, because I get anxiety attacks just THINKING about going there!! Apparently, your shopping experience there isn't usually so bad, which I'm really glad about. Just wanted to tell you I can fully understand your frustrations of yesterday! I sure hope today is a better day for you (and that Charles will go out and buy some food for the kitties!!)

  2. Hi Skye,

    Yah- a very frustrating day yesterday so today is bound to be a better one,

    and I already told C. he will have to get some kittie food!

    Hope you're having a good day!


  3. I know just how you feel Junie. Sometimes shopping can be such a frustrating experience...believe me, I don't go anywhere near as much as I use to...especially since it's just me that I shop for most of the time. A couple of times I've actually seen people leave full carts of groceries sitting in a check-out lane because they couldn't stand to wait anymore and they just become too impatient. I could never do that...even at my worst frustration. I will say that some shoppers totally forget that they're NOT the only ones in the store when they block off others from moving up and down the aisles. But like you....I don't believe in being rude...that never solves anything.

  4. What was it with Wal-mart yesterday? I went there for a few small items and got so frustrated with the whole experience that I left my shopping cart in the checkout line and walked out vowing never to shop there again! And when I get to that point it usually means I keep that vow!

  5. Enquiring minds like yours want to know the outrageous goings on in the world, and reading the Enquirer will give you all the interesting news you need. Those rag newspapers are fun!

    Walmart is like a war zone sometimes.
    Your best bet is to by one of those scooters and just hog the whole aisle and run anyone over who gets in your way. :)

    Ground chuck. (good one!)

  6. Calgon, take me awaaaaaayyyy!!!

    You poor thing.

  7. LOL- Right ,JD....sometimes I need to read about those FAR OUT people just to prove to myself how NORMAL I am!! (need the proof sometimes!! haha)

    Oh my! If I ever do get a scooter to ride -I'll be a terror in that old WalMart!


  8. :)

    Janet - that's funny you were having WalMart troubles too!


  9. Morning Glory,

    :) Thanks! That would have been nice....but my tub was in need of a scrub from my 2 poodles' last bath in there!

    ...Was a day when everything was against me!!


  10. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for your comments! ;) It's nice my blogger girlfriends understand!


  11. My goodness Miz Junie...what a day you had!!
    I think this is the longest post I've ever seen you!!
    What did the Enquier say about Brittany??

  12. Tammy,

    That's a pitiful little girl! I hope she can find her way back!

    I don't often buy those papers but I just wanted to read about Britney!


  13. Anonymous8:30 PM

    That's part of the reason we won't shop at Walmart. That and the fact that it is an evil company.


  14. Anonymous8:33 PM

    By the way, our neighborhodd lost the fight. They are going to build the Walmart down the street....Sigh

  15. Hi Terry,

    I'm sorry you're getting the Wal-Mart because you don't want it!

    This is really the first time I have had such a bad shopping experience there.

    I shop there mainly for the convience.You know I don't like to drive a lot! It's easy for me to get to- also I can do all my shopping in one place.

    Thanks for coming by-and hope yu're all well!



  16. Sounds like you had quite a shopping trip, especially for not feeling well. My Spice has a weakness for those Peeps also. :) ec

  17. Hi ec,

    Yes- not one of my better shopping trips, I must say! But today was a good day of not doing much! I liked that. :)

    So your spice likes the little PEEPS, too! ;) I usually buy some every spring!

  18. I have noticed lately that WalMart seems to be slipping...some days after being so frustrated in there, I'm about ready to smack the "greeter" at the door when I'm on my way out! LOL Hopefully your day today went a lot better!!! I love anything with marshmallow in it, especially the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs...yummmm! xox

  19. Hi Pea,

    Yah- had a good day today.
    (no WalMart shopping!)

    Went for a ride to catch the sunset!

