Friday, March 30, 2007

...We're on our way home...

I was basking in the spell of that beautiful sunrise all the way home on Thursday morning! Everything just looked so special to me!

Do you ever just marvel at the world's beauty? I often do-and especially this day!
The wildflowers (weeds to some) of the roadside kept me ohhh-ing and ahhh-ing all the way home!
Here are some little bits of Nature's beauty that I captured along the way!
Along those roads are many wooded areas where the Wisteria is growing wild and climbing into the highest trees! What a sight to behold! I didn't get pictures of any of that but I have pictures of my own Wisteria here at our place. The Azaleas were in full bloom also and Dogwood trees were growing wild among the tall pines and Live Oaks! I like it when these trees and flowers are able to grow where ever they choose - and without benefit ( or hindrance, more like it) of trimming shears!

This is a Wisteria at our place! I love this flower!

We stopped at a park by the banks of the Suwannee River. What a peaceful and lovely spot this is!

The last time we had stopped here was in the early 70s. (though we have driven this way pretty often through the years) On that trip, all those years ago, we were on our way to Panama City to buy old ship 'hatch covers!' Charles built tables out of them-some of which we still have and use! (very unique work!)

Ahhh~ but there's no place I find any more appealing than our own little spot!
This is my wildflower meadow yesterday!

Home Sweet Home




  1. Beautiful pics Junie! You have such a lovely home too.

    BTW, did you enjoy the WHO concert? I couldn't tell by your posts.

    Just kidding!!! ;D

  2. Glad you enjoyed The Who concert, and your break. Lovely photos of your trip . That was a beautiful little princess you were entertained by. I also am mad about Wisteria,
    Cheers Margaret

  3. Hi June ~~ Glad you are having such a lovely trip and your photos are just great. Love the one of you with the little princess. Your hair looks so lovely June and the sunrise ones are
    terrific. I have a lovely wisteria too at my back door. But so far, I don't seem able to post photos.
    Thanks for your comments. Have a safe trip home. I bet you loved the Who concert. Take care, Love, Merle.

  4. Fabulous photography Junie!! I love each and every one. I have a wisteria that I replanted last year, 'cause it wasn't doing well in the corner along the fence....I really thought I'd 'killed' it ---this spring it looked like it wasn't going to 'come back' to life....but just the other day, I saw right and ground level that there are leaf sprouts! I love 'em so much. Nothing like the old south and wisteria!!

    Now, the thistle, yep--you got that right, I would spell them W E E D!! lol

    And ohhhhhhhhhhh, would I love to see the tables he made and you're still using. My hubby likes to do that kinda carpentry work too.

  5. Dear Carolyn,

    Thanks for visiting and your comments.

    Lol- sorry if I left any doubt about my enjoyment of 'The Who Concert!'

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I loved every minute of it!
    (but my husband didn't!) ;(

  6. Hi Junie. Love all the Photo's. Of the "weeds" the thistle has a nice flower, but a very noxios weed and very prickly.
    and love your beautifull of my favotite plants.

  7. Hi Merle and Margaret,

    Thanks for reading me and looking at my pistures.

    Seems like we all love Wisteria- and sunrises!

    Yes, Margaret , that little girl was a charmer. Age 4 is a wonderful age in a child's life. But it did make me miss having little ones of my own in my life. My granddaughter is 16 now!

    Oh yes, Merle, I LOVED the WHO concert! C. didn't but at least he went with me!



  8. Hi Anni,

    Thanks so much for looking at my pics- and LIKING THEM! :)

    BTW- saw those beautiful roses you posted with the water drops! Just beautiful! I did a pic like that last year with mine. (was unable to post at yer site last nite but will try again!)

    Hope your Wisteria comes back and blooms for you ...We have several...but the ones near my house were cut back at the wrong I won't have blooms this time! (Chas. did that deed! :( )
    But we do have that big bush on our rental property- which is part of our place here!

    Yep- about those hatch cover tables- Charlie was very proud of those. They are poured with resin so are very usable!


  9. Hi Jan,

    Lol- I'm sure the Thistle could be a pesky weed to have around a yard, but they sure were pretty growing along the road! There were more than I had ever seen in one spot!

    The Wisteria was spectacular , growing up into the trees!


  10. What a beautiful area you have there!

  11. Hello Early Bird,

    Thanks for visiting me here at Junie'sPlace.

    Hope you'll come again.

    Yes-I think we live in a beautiful place!


  12. I certainly agree with you about the GREAT feeling of arriving back at Home Sweet Home.
    There's nothing like the comfort of one's own bed and one's own toilet. I'm not a fan of foreign toilets. Foreign toilets are any and all toilets that are not my own.
    I love the flowers of spring. The widlflowers are pretty weeds, and I love them too!!!

  13. JD-

    I'm certainly in agreement with you with foreign toilets! :) It's one of my most famous RANTS!

    JD , Enjoy your spring!

