Saturday, March 31, 2007

Our day-3-31-'07

I finally made it shopping today and , boy, I sure overdid it! I have been worn out the rest of the day! Grocery shopping really zaps me these days!

I didn't buy much, other than groceries...and a few plants for the garden... and I shopped for a few things for Charlie's birthday, which is tomorrow! Yep! April Fool's Day is his birthday! :) He says he was always teased about that by his brothers and sisters! I can just imagine!

Oh! And I got this! This is a Venus Fly Trap plant!
This is a very interesting plant! Read about it here!

We have had these in the past, when our kids were young. LOL-I remember my kids feeding the poor plant all sorts of things...(bits of hamburger comes to mind!) Poor thing died from over feeding, I think! This one won't have any kids around to mess with it so maybe it will just eat bugs when it feels like it! We'll see!


Charles got a craving for one of his favorite meals tonight, which is greens cooked with bacon grease- and cornbread! This suited me just fine( he cooks this meal) because I didn't feel like coming up with a dinner plan after that shopping trip today! I had some leftover BBQ to go with it! Good deal!

This was my plate but mostly what I ate was the cup of buttermilk with the hot cornbread!

Tomorrow is Charlie's 72nd. Birthday! This picture is when he had his 33rd. birthday! :)
Happy day! And some of the two of us during that time period! (in our back yard in Miami~ and on a trip to visit his family in Alabama)

Some of our good ole days!




  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Let me be the first to say Happy Birthday Charles. May you have a wonderful birthday and a great 72nd year.

  2. Wishing your hubby a very Happy Birthday!
    Loved seeing the old pictures of you two!

  3. Thanks,

    I will pass on your good wishes to Charles>


  4. Happy Birthday to Charles, BTW You're
    still beautiful.
    Cheers and hugs Margaret

  5. Margaret,

    Thanks for your wishes!

    Lol- funny- how you still feel like the same person...but then look at old pictures from the past and realize all the changes the years have made! :)

    Oh, well!



  6. Happy Birthday to Charles. loved seeing all your photo's.
    My Sister was also April fools day baby Born 1/4/ we could never forget her bithday. Mums was Guy Fawkes day.

  7. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    lol- Yes- Charles is April Fool's day and I amMay 5th.-
    Cinco de Mayo...( although that holiday didn't mean a lot to me until just in recent years! )


  8. Hi June ~~ Please wish Charles a belated Happy Birtday. Looks like he had a great day.
    Thank you June for your comments, yes I sure got a scare with those three neighbours in my room, but they were good to check on me. Take care June
    Love, Merle.

  9. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your good wishes for Charles! Yes, he had a good day.

    If I can I will get him to sit down and read all the comments my blogging friends have sent for him!

