Monday, April 02, 2007

46 Years!

Yep! Our 46th. anniversary is coming up soon...this month on the 27th! We are thinking of a little trip to Savannah...just a couple days! I would love to get the sunrise over the water- the Savannah River-that would be- or maybe the Atlantic coast! The sunrise over the water ( any water) is what I love to see!

We'll see how these plans work out! We went to Savannah a few years ago. What an interesting city it is to visit!! This time I hope we can have a bit more time to explore!

Well- heck- I'm probably getting ahead of myself with this...counting my chickens before they hatch, as the old saying goes! Whatever will be will be!

However~ I think 46 years deserves, at the least, a trip to Savannah~ don't you?

~ This is one of our early anniversaries~ not sure the date of this! ~




  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    46 years together deserves a trip to any where you want to go in my book. Early congratulations my friend and many more years to go.

  2. Thanks so much, Mary.

    I guess 46years is ' getting on with it!' :)

    We've never done a lot of things - except family things. ;)... never had any kind of honeymoon, even! Got married in the court house!

    Still- 46 years is a lot of years! :) I guess it's gonna work out!


  3. Look at the mini-skirt, showing your knee and all. Had to be at least 40 years ago, cuz those big shiny buttons were popular before I was in Junior High.

    Plan and take a trip to Savannah. I'm trying to think what book has that city as its setting, but it seems like fun.

    ps I was recommending Dan F and THE WILD PLACES to a blogger the other day. My favorite cd when I'm sweeping the floor.
    She had asked what kind of music make ya want to get up and move around.

  4. Hi Diane,

    ;) I think this photo was early 70s... I didn't like the short skirts- even then!

    Ahh yes! The Wild Places is a good album! But ALL of Dan's albums are good!

    Oh-that (Savannah) book you are thinking of is probably "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"-can't remember who wrote it- but is based on a true story! (reads like fiction, tho)


  5. Celebrate! After all these years you two deserve it. No honeymoon? It's never too late!!

  6. Dear June ~~ Congatulations (early) to you and Charle on 46 years of marriage I also want to say Happy Birthday to him. (late) But haven't been able to post comments which is very annoying. Thanks for your comments and I think I have it right now with photos. You have some great ones that you share with us. Take
    care June, Love, Merle.

  7. Wow, anniversary, birthday, and a Who certainly do have a lot to celebrate....May I suggest a trip to Savannah? LOL Have fun......judy

  8. Judy,

    ;) A great idea! lol- maybe it will work out for us to get away for a couple days. Hope so.


  9. Hi Merle,

    Thank you for the good wishes for us.

    I'm so glad it's working out better with your posting photos! It adds a lot of fun to posting!



  10. Susie,

    Thanks! :)


  11. Happy Anniversary...I hope all your dreams come true!

  12. Thanks for your good wishes!

    Well, it's not until the 27th. but, hopefully, we will be able to get away for a couple days!


  13. Savannah is one of my favorite places in the world!
    I also love Charleston, SC.
    While in Savannah, have dinner at Lady and Sons restaurant. It's Paula Deen's restuarant, and the food is SO goooood!

    I hope whatever you do to celebrate will be great!

  14. Thanks, JD,

    We have been to Savannah once and loved it-

    Thanks for that restaurant tip. I sure want to try it if we can.


  15. Once again I'm apologizing for being late.

    Belated anniversary good wishes to you and birthday wishes to Charles.

    Love all the pics. Thanks for the comment, have a blessed Easter.

    I think I'm caught up with you again.

  16. hi Ann,

    Thanks for the good wishes but our anniversary hasn't come yet- it's the 27th. We hope to get away for a couple days.

    Hope you have a good Easter.

