Sunday, April 01, 2007

It's your Birthday, Charles!

It's yer birthday Chas. ~ no fooling!


It seems a cowboy's life is never easy~ not even on his birthday! First thing this morning-as we were still sipping that first cup of coffee- a neighbor called to let Charlie know some of the cows were out!... So off he goes to round them up! He stayed and stayed - for what seemed like a very long time to me!

He got 2 family phone calls, with birthday wishes, while he was gone!

Turns out it was just 3 of the young calves that had managed to get through the fence! However, he had to repair the fence along one side of the pasture!

While he was good and aggravated with the whole bunch of them, he corralled most of them and is thinking of taking the whole herd to the sale tomorrow - while he has them rounded up! I hope he doesn't, because I think he will regret it! He needs this hobby- REALLY, HE DOES!

OK - Update:

Charles has just said he's decided to take Misty, Heather, Star and Woolly Head-Aka 'Fuzz Face,' to the sale tomorrow! ;(

While he was out fooling with the cows I put together his birthday food-which was a big pot of beef stew! He loves that and was happy when I suggested it yesterday.

We didn't know if the kids would be here but , happily, Tina , Alli, Dan and Bri were able to come and Chris was here.
(missed all the others :( )

Gabbo (Charles) got some pretty cool gifts~ Chris gave him a Gators shirt and some movies~ I gave him some Tee shirts and a ' James Patterson' book~ Tina and her bunch gave him this really cute and neat planter! Just ducky, kids!! :) She fits right in with the season, too!

Some pics of all of us today~

Happy Birthday Charles!

It was a
good day
at our place!





  1. Looks like it was a Happy Day!!
    Love the duck planter. It's very similar to the cat one I posted awhile back!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Sue,

    Yes, it was a good day for us- except for the cow situation for Charles!

    Yep, I think that little duck planter is the cutest thing ever!- And I remember seeing your cat planter on your blog! (very cute, too!)


  4. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Say a very Happy Birthday to Charles for me. Manny more are upcoming so he can keep smiling.

  5. Thanks Mary (Momma)

    We both hope to have many, many more years ahead of us!

    Hope you're doing well- I have been unable to get to your site the past couple days!


  6. Happy birthday to Charles!

  7. Thanks, MG.

    He had a good one!


  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Happy, Happy Charles and many more.

  10. I'm glad Charles had a good birthday, though sorry about the cows (and his possibly selling them).

    He looks pretty happy there with his yummy-looking chocolate cake, though! Who are the two little cupcakes for?

  11. P.S. I love your shirt with all the little cats on it!!

  12. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for visiting us-and for your greetings to Charles. He had a good one!


  13. Hi Skye,

    Thanks for visiting!

    Yep, C. had a good birthday .
    Those cup cakes were some that the girls had made amnd brought up! LOL- the others vanished real fast!

    About my little cat shirt- I like it too! :) I wear it a lot!

    Will visit your site soon-


  14. Those cows are great at escaping, the grass is always greener you know!
    Looks as though Charles had a great birthday after the cow chasing adventure.
    Cheers and hugs Margaret

  15. Hi Margaret,

    Yes- it must be true about the grass being greener on the other side- because they always want to get to it!
    ( lol- the neighbors' lawns!)

    Yes, we had a good time visiting with the kids!

    Hope you're having a good day ( or night!)

    Hugs to you,


  16. Happy Birthday to Charles!!
    Boy that first picture of the cake and ice cream had my mouth watering!

  17. Thanks for visiting.

    It was a good day for us- The cake and ice cream was yummy.

  18. Looks and sounds like he had a pretty good b-day.
    Yum -Yum - I scream for ICE SCREAM!! :)
