Thursday, April 12, 2007

A new spring calf

It's a BEAUTIFUL day here in North Fl.

I finally got down to the pasture to see the new calf! Charles told me about her a couple days ago but the weather has been rainy, more often than not, and I just hadn't made the effort to see her until today. She is the first baby of 'Cloud' and is colored and marked in a similar Charles named her 'Cloud Nine!'

'Cloud Nine' and her Mom - 'Cloud!'

She is a very pretty little girl! Don't you think so?

That name is good enough for me! But for me it brings to mind the Beatles and their #9






~~ALSO- George Harrison's album "Cloud Nine!"~~

I'm sure Charles didn't think about any of that when he picked the name!


Speaking of Beatles...

I had a 'Beatley' good night of music last night! Well, not just music, though. I have been looking at some vids on Youtube of 'The Beatles Anthology.' This is a documentary series of 3 albums which focus on the history of this legendary band. (There's also a book.) These Youtube vids are very interesting to watch- for the history of how things happened, in the Beatles' own words- and the music!

The Beatles were a joy to watch and listen to!

( I'm told these vids will probably be taken off, in time, so I want to watch them while I can.)

My next big undertaking is to get this 'Anthology Box Set' for my collection! I say BIG because it is quite expensive!

Lol- but it would be a very nice Birthday gift...and it happens I have a birthday coming up in MAY! I need to be dropping some hints! HAHA

( this is my first one- in case anyone in the family is reading this!! :) )



To end this with more family business, here are some more pics of Charles, me and the cows!



  1. Awwww that calf is so sweet!! Cloud and her baby Cloud Nine..I love it! lol Oh yes, the Beatles are indeed a terrific band to listen to...I'll have to check out those videos on YouTube!! Hope your hints work and you get that Anthology set for your birthday! hehe When in May is your birthday??? xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    5-5-'41 was/is my birthday! Yep- I really am getting old! ;{

    As for that Beatles set-I think I will look on Ebay! Sometimes you can get good deals if you search!



  3. Cloud fits!
    We are both "May" girls! I'm the 11th...what are u?

  4. Oh your new little one is gorgeous, and what a perfect name :)
    She does look a lot like her mom. I'll have to show my hubby. He misses his cows. They were his girlfriends ;) We milked a dairy herd until 2000.
    Only cats in the barn now! And they miss the cows too...the warmth and the milk!
    The Beetles have always been a favorite of mine too. The Anthology has quite a bit of "not-so-great" stuff intermingled between the good songs. It's just filler stuff that's not even fun, so you might want to borrow it from the library and listen before spending all that money on it (or having someone spend it for you :)
    Hope you had a lovely Easter.

  5. Hi Kerri,

    Thanks for coming. Yes, that little calf is pretty! I love taking pictures when they are NEW!

    I bet you and your husband and CATS do miss your cows a lot! I know my husband would miss having
    his cows-and especially , having something to keep himself busy every day! And he would miss the little extra $$ he has from them! They DO tie us down, though!

    I know that Beatles Anthology is more than just the music. The music is the main thing but I'm also interested in the history-and what was going on with the band duriing that time! ;) maybe I can find it reasonable on ebay- from someone who doesn't want theirs anymore.

    Yes- we had a very nice Easter- Hope you did too.


  6. I think my son has the Anthology set, in fact I think I bought it for him when it first came out... of course I could be wrong....I'll have to ask him.....

    Your baby cloud nine is adorable... I think cows are so daughter and granddaughters last name is Cloud... the pictures look so you get much bad weather where you live? I hope not....I just always think of Florida as palm trees, disney, and beaches....never thought about should check out Peggy's blog Hidden Haven, it's on my side favorites....she raises goats and bunnies.....

  7. Hi Judy,

    North-central Florida is very different from So. Florida- or even Orlando/Disney area (which is just over 80 miles south of us!) We do have some palms but not the kind you see further south

    Ocala/Marion Co. has a lot of horse farms and also a lot of cattle. Some areas around here are just slightly hilly. We have a lot of live oak trees, draped in Spanish moss-which I love! Both our coasts are in more danger from hurricanes than we are here in the middle of the state.

    We moved from Miami, Fl 19 years ago- had lived in Miami area all of our married life. We love the country life much better.

    I will check out Peggy's blog! We have had goats here-and pigs,chickens,ducks,geese...and cows! Have never had a horse!

    You can click on my cow label at the end of this post and find other cow posts!

    I DO hope to get the Anthology set! What I watched last night I found very interesting! The history of the Beatles is fascinating to me! And, of course, the music is!!

    Thanks for visiting,


  8. What a cute little Cloud Nine she is Junie. And I must say...YOU look pretty cute yourself. Congrats!

  9. Hi Joy,

    :) Cloud Nine and I both thank you for the compliment!


  10. I love her! My first pet was a calf, when I was 4. Taffy was colored up a lot like Cloud :)

  11. Hi Carolyn,

    Cloud 9 is the prettiest new calf we've had in awhile!

    They don't become pets for me , tho. For one thing the pasture is not part of our homesite; but is a little ways down the road. I don't see the cows every day!
    ( lol- not nearly!)

    Also, Charles sells most of the new calves at a few months of age! He DOES keep some of the females for breeders-so he might keep Cloud 9!

    The first pet I remember having was a little chick -one among many in the brood! (not sure that's the correct term) I remember I had picked this one as my favorite . It was brown and fluffy and I named it Teddy Bear! One morning when Mom and I were feeding them I accidentally stepped on the little brown chick and killed it! :( I remember how heartbroken I was and how I cried! I was probably less than 4 yrs!

    :) Wish we remembered only the good things!


  12. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Beautiful looking cows. . . all of them and that little cloud nine sure is a heart stealer.

  13. Thanks, Maria,

    She is a pretty calf!

  14. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Aww that little calf is so cute!!

  15. My Gran would have LOVED these pictures of your cows and calves!! She always was a cow fanatic, having grown up on a dairy farm in the English countryside! Nothing made her happier than the chance to pet a new calf! :)

  16. Hi Alli,

    She is a cutie. You should come see her while she's little.



  17. Hi Skye,

    What very nice memories you have of your Gran.

    Little calves are among the very cutest babies ...IMO

