Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My Picks!

I was asked to pick 5 blogs for the 'Thinking Bloggers Award.'
And, in turn, each of these bloggers are asked to pick five others of their own choice;
bloggers who make us think !

I read and enjoy a variety of blogs daily and find that each blog has it's own style and appeal! I often get a new perspective on things by looking from another's point of view- through another pair of eyes, so to speak. I have found , too, I enjoy reading blogs of a wide range in age and of both men and women.

My first Two choices are both younger women and mothers of small children. I like reading of their lives as young moms and of their dreams for the future and their accomplishments. I like feeling the love and pride they have in their kids.
These two young women bring back the memories of how it was to be a young mom,
and how it was not always easy to juggle the different parts of one's life.




Carolyn is another of my favorite daily reads. I love the way she writes and I usually
leave her place with a smile on my face.

Mr.Eddie was one of the first blogs I found when I started blogging. It was a discussion about GRITS. Being a southern girl, of course that caught my eye! :)
I liked the way he talked a lot about his family and his gardening...and how he gave thanks to God for all the good things in life. This blog produces good feelings!

Doug is another favorite of my regular reads. He writes just one post each week, most of the time. Often these are short stories of his growing up years. Whatever he chooses to write is usually funny!


Mella, Skye, Carolyn, Mr.Eddie. and Doug,

you are my picks for this award!

Copy and paste and display this on your site and each of you pick 5 blogs that make you think!



  1. Thanks Junie. That's really nice of you. I'll tag 5 of my favs onto this weeks post.
    Hope you had a great Easter!

  2. Hi Doug,

    Couldn't let your fun stories get by me! :)

    Yes, we had a nice Easter holiday. hope you did too.


  3. Thanks, I appreciate the honor - will try to get to the tagging before the week is out. ec

  4. Oh thank you Junie! You're so sweet. I'll have to put my mind to work and then try to post the links before this weekend...

  5. This is an honor, Junie! I never thought I could make others think, but I am glad to make you smile :) I'll get my post and links up over the weekend.

  6. Mella



    Thanks to you all!

    Will be looking forward to some new blogs to read. :)


  7. Oh, thank you Junie! My blog has never won anything before! That's really nice of you.

  8. Hello Skye,

    I was hesitant to pick you-simply for the reason that you have kept your blog set to private at times and I wasn't sure if you would want the attention; but I took the chance that you wouldn't mind!

    As you know I DO read your blog often and enjoy it.
    I'm touched by your memories of your 'Gran' and your poetry. I also like reading of your day to day happenings with your kiddies! :) As I said- it makes me think of how it was when my kids were small.

    Hope you're having a good day.


  9. Congratulations to you Miz Junie...I love your blog!
    And congrats to all those bloggers you chose!

  10. I hope one of your blog choices wins the award!!

  11. Or you win, since someone else nominated you.

  12. JD,

    I think just the recognition IS the award!

    It's just a chance for us all to bring notice to our favorite blogs!
    Gives us new blogs to check out, too!

    (I think that's it!-lol- but I've been known to be wrong a time ot two in the past!)


  13. EB,

    Thanks! I enjoy your blog too! :)

