Saturday, April 21, 2007

A springtime ride!

Today Charles suggested a ride on the Victory! Can you guess what my answer to that was?
Have you ever known me to turn down a Victory ride? NO!!

I always want to document's our ride in pictures!


Getting ready to go:

At the front entrance to our house~me and a rose bush


The sky looked like this when we started out at about 11:00~ It was just a perfect day to ride-a perfect day to do just about anything, in fact!

Here's the happy face of 'JunieRose' enjoying the ride and the beautiful day!

We decided to go to Inverness, which is more than an hour's ride from us! There is a seafood restaurant there which we both love! Here we are, just having arrived at the restaurant!

They have great Catfish...but my favorite thing of all is the excellent fried mushrooms they serve!

NOTE: Although I ate a lot of those mushrooms I didn't eat my fries or corn! (TRYING to cut down on the carbs!)

This place seems to be a hangout for Pirates
(notice this pic) so Charles looks to fit right in...although he does seem to be a little uneasy with the company! :) lol- He didn't know I was getting this one! Obviously!


After leaving the restaurant we were homeward bound, but Charles had a couple stops he wanted to make...Flea Mkt. type stuff (old farm implements- etc)

I spent that time in getting some shots of the local scenery! I LOVE this Spanish Moss hanging from the trees, decked out in their new spring green!

Utt ohhh!
That sky had turned we headed for home!

We made it home-safe and dry!

No place better than home! And my meadow flowers!




  1. Junie, I love seeing the pictures of your happy face as you ride on the Victory!! Those are all great pictures... it's nice to see a picture diary of your travels! :)

  2. Beautiful scenery, good food, wonderful company...thanks for taking me along Junie...I had a great time.

  3. Oooh, and also... I LOOOVE fried mushrooms!!! Or any mushrooms!!!

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM


    I love any kind of mushrooms too! These are the best fried ones I have found!

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM


    Got a comment on!

    Have to be an anonymous person on my own blog!! :( That was me above! Forgot to sign my name!


  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Joy and Skye,

    So glad you enjoyed our day!



  7. Anonymous3:54 PM

    That food looks great. I'll be right over.

  8. :)

    Come on down!


    Thanks for coming by. Always welcome!

