Friday, April 20, 2007

A beautiful day~4-20-07

This has been a lazy day for me. Some days I just feel overwhelmed with jobs I need to do~ consequently, this tends to make me run around in circles ...much as a chicken with it's head cut off! :)

Yes! I have actually seen this in my long life of almost 66 years! I must say it's not a pretty sight-quite unproductive! (at least on the chicken's end of things!) A dead end, I would say!

But with me there will be another chance to make a new plan getting on with this life I have going here!

As you can see, even without much help from me, my roses are doing their beautiful thing!
*Don Juan~Red - McCartney~Pink*

And ~ see my glorious wildflower meadow! I walked among those little flowers just a little while ago, snapping my pictures! :)

These rose bushes are at the outer edges of the meadow, on the the east side of our property. You can see the road beyond the meadow.
...And you will notice if you look closely, those bushes are in need of some clipping ...

I disturbed a snake- just a harmless one, I hope- as I walked among the flowers! He was black and just a couple feet in front of me! He quickly slithered away, before I could get his picture! Not friendly, at all!

Charlie, just opposite of me, has been in a frenzy of activity just lately! He is working on re-building the trellis that has been needing attention since last summer- and before! Some may remember he made a joke of it last year...I didn't mind because I knew the little star vines would soon cover it! :)
Go here!

This time, tho, he's doing it up, good! I think he's proud of this project! I like it too! We have 2 Coral Honeysuckle plants-one for each side. Will be very pretty when they get going!

AND- he worked on this bird house too! He gave it a new roof! :)

You might remember the birdhouse from THIS!!

Charlie is a sweetie!



  1. Junie, I really love all your roses! I had quite a few at the last house, but since we moved a year ago, I'll have to start all over again. Now if the weather would just cooperate.

  2. Morning Glory,

    Thanks for looking!

    I have always loved roses, but the past year or so I have not felt like doing a lot of gardening .So I have lost some of mine! I want to replace some of them soon!
    Nothing more perfect than a rose...oh-except sunsets-and sunrises! :)

    Take care,


  3. Yes, I think you do have a sweety....and I checked the old pictures of the trellis, it's pretty.....I really love the one that looks like a palm.... I know what your saying, when you say you go in circles....because I have been so focused before my trip, and it's taking some doing to get back into the swing of it.....I went last night and bought a pooper scooper, so that is the next thing on my list......organization.....and priorities.....those are the two words that I keep saying.....just doing them is another story.....

    The last rose in this post, looks like a wild one. My mom had some just like that, and she started them all from scratch....root tone and stuck them in the ground....they were gorgeous....with that wonderful wild look.....

  4. Junie,
    Thanks for sharing the beauty of your roses. Such a day brightener!

  5. This post was a feast for the eyes. I loved the red rose. I think I can amost smell the flowers. Thank you, connie from Texas

  6. Thanks!



    and Susie, for all your nice comments about the roses!

    They have always been among my favorite things!

    (so I took the name ROSE as part of mine,here!)

    Junie Rose
