Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What a day!

While trying to add something to my template I managed ONLY to lose my Blog Roll!

Sorry-I will try to fix it- but -don't know if I can!

For awhile I had lost my complete "Junie's Place" blog! I was panicky for awhile!
Imagine over 600 posts lost!!

I managed to get it back by copying the info from my other blog- but I lost my links to the blogs I visit!

What a confused mess! And the more I try to fix things the worse it gets!!



  1. Oh dear, doesn't sound like you're having much fun right now! I guess that's why they say to always copy and paste your whole template onto Word Document...that way you have a backup in case things like this happens. If I can be of any help, just let me know Junie!! xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    Well, I was lucky enough not to lose my posts- but I can't figure out how to get my blog roll back!...but I won't give up!

  3. Hi June, have you switched over to new blogger... I think just about everyone has now, if so there is a new and much easier way to compile your blog roll now.
    In the "add an element" section find the heading "links" and compile your list there, you need to have eveyones URL but apart from that it's so easy... hope you are a new blogger!!!!

  4. Hi Peter,

    Yes, I have switched over.
    I have worried with this all day- but I will try again tomorrow!

    I'm lucky I was able to save the content of my blog- I thought I had lost it!

    I'll figure it out tomorrow!

  5. Peter!


    Look at that! I DID get one of my links fixed- so maybe there's hope!


  6. Glad you're back, Junie! I got nervous when I arrived at your blog and there was nothing there!! Eeek!

  7. Hi Skye,

    LOL! I was nervous too!!

    Thought I had lost it all!

    I still have a lot to do to get back to normal!


  8. Anonymous8:49 AM

    It is too bad that you can't buy a bottle of "I T Maker" turn the cap off, tip it up and presto you can fix anything!! But alas it has still to be perfected! Good luck on your progress!

  9. Thanks, Momma.

    I'm making progress!

  10. You needed some professional help!

    Uh, what I meant to say was you needed the help of a professional.

    Oh dear. Uh, you needed a professional's help with your problems.

    Uh, I mean you needed a professional computer person to help you with your computer problems.

    Whew! There.
    You get what I mean.
    I'm glad you got it resolved.

  11. :)

    Yes, JD, I know what you mean...

    and I'll be the first to admit that I DO need professional help where computers are comcerned-

    Probably in other areas of my life too! ;)

    Well- I got my computer stuff back -at least, somewhat normal...but still don't know how to get things on the side bar! (that blogger icon is supposed to go there!)

