Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today is...

Today is a beautiful, sunshiny, day, although the early morning looked foggy and gloomy again! But, here and now, at 4:00 PM, it is perfect!

I have not felt like getting out at all, though. My blogging business yesterday was quite exhausting and nerve wracking for me! There's so much I don't understand about settings and templates and widgets! (whatever they are!!)

I finally managed to get my blog roll back and even added some names -and still have some to add! I even plan to get them in alphabetical order! I can do that! :)

I never did figure out how to get the "Thinking Blogger Award" on my side bar! :( I have never added anything there before and don't know how to do it!

Oh, well! Kinda funny -ironic- that this " thinking blogger" can't figure out something
so simple! But, you gotta understand, nothing about the computer is simple for me!

Just having Hootin' Anni honor me with the award was enough!

While reading my favorite blogs today I realized that a lot of blogs I would have chosen to pass the blog award on to, already have had this honor!

~~~ YES! And they are right there on the sidebars of all!~~~

SO....I am still thinking about the five I will pick! Will decide soon.



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