Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Early today, Charles and I took flowers out for Mom. I miss her more than ever on special days!

:) Looking at this picture of me behind the flowers I realize I look like part of the bouquet! Mom would like that! She always had a good sense of humor and got such joy out of life!

OK, Mom, I'm happy to let my colorful blouse be part of your bouquet! :)

This is a picture of Mom in 1950-at age 41! This is a favorite picture of mine !

Tina, Dan, Brian and Alli come over to have lunch with us. No cooking required -as we had a lot left over from yesterday! I was happy to be able to see Dan as he couldn't be here yesterday!

Here we all are:

Happy news here! We are getting a good rain which is much needed! Hopefully, it will help in fighting the fires in our state!! Hope it rains for days and days!!



  1. Happy Mother's Day, Junie. I know the empty feeling that's left when Mother is no longer here. I'm glad you had such a nice day.

  2. Thanks , MG.

    Hope your day was a good one, also.


  3. So glad you and your folks had a good gathering for Mother's Day. My Mom passed on Mother's Day in 1997 and it dampens the day just a bit for me. Our yearly reunion in Mississippi coincides with the 'decoration day' at the country cemetary where Mom and Dad are buried - I check on the sites each visit. ec

  4. Hi June ~~ How lovely you had more Mother's Day family arrive for meals.
    It is a bitter sweet time for those of us who have lost our mothers. But
    our kids make it nice for us. Glad you liked the Mystery Guest story
    It was a good one. Take care, June,
    Love, Merle.

  5. Happy Mother's Day....a day late! I sure your mom would love the bouquet as well as the flowers on your blouse. The photo of her as a teenager is beautiful.

  6. EC,

    Thanks forstopping by.

    There's always a sadness for our lost loved ones, but it helps me to take time to visit Mom's site as often as I can. My dad is buried in Alabama so I only get to go there once a year, usually.


  7. Merle,

    Thanks for coming by. Yes, I was happy to have seen all my kids on these 2 days!

    Take care and I'll visit you soon.



  8. Hi Janet,

    Hope you had a happy day also!

    Mom does look young in that photo but she was actually 41 years old.


  9. Hi Junie,
    I bet your Mom would have enjoyed seeing that colorful blouse. Bet she's smiling from above!

  10. Hi Sue,

    Oh! I'm sure!

    Mom would have said that I looked like part of the bouquet! :)

