Junie's Place: Saturday in Savannah:Bonaventure Cemetery

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Saturday in Savannah:Bonaventure Cemetery

All day Saturday was spent in taking in the sights of Savannah and surrounding areas. Here we are just leaving the motel's Green Door!

~~~ Midnight, one more night without sleepin' Watchin' till the mornin' comes creepin'
Green Door, what's that secret you're keepin?~~~

:) That old song just came to mind, for some reason!
(click to hear it and read the lyrics)


"Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", a book written by John Berendt , published in 1994-has been credited in boosting the tourist flow in Savannah, in a big way!

This book is set in Savannah and based on a true story of murder, but is so much more! The book is filled with the most colorful characters you can hope to find between the covers of any book- fiction or true life novels!

Our first trip to Savannah ( a few years ago) was due to the reading of this book by both Charles and me!

It was a gripping and highly entertaining read- made all the more interesting with the knowledge that the characters in the book are REAL and the places where the events took place are right there in Old Savannah!

A movie was later released of this book, directed by Clint Eastwood, I believe; but I have not seen it!

The Bonaventure Cemetery figures prominently in the book. Bonaventure-which means 'Good Fortune' in French- is the burial place for many of Georgia's historically important founders and governors, and for the famous and not so famous! The history of this place is interesting! (link)

Charles has always had a thing for Cemeteries - the older , the better, so this was high on his list of places to see- both times we were in Savannah! I find it, strangely, soothing and restful walking among the old and elaborate markers, too! (Are we weird, or what!)

On the cover of "Midnight in the Garden...." is this statue, sculpted in 1936 by artist Sylvia Shaw Judson! The original statue of "Bird Girl" was cast in bronze and stood 5 feet tall. This statue stood in Bonaventure Cemetery but with the notoriety of the book it was removed by the estate of Mrs.Judson.

Reproductions of this stature , in various sizes, are now available! We bought a small one of about 14 inches.

This is the book cover-and "Bird Girl!"

Another name mentioned in the book is Johnny Mercer, (Mercer House) the very well known American songwriter. 'Moon River" is one of his best known songs! Here is a link to his bio!

And here is his final resting place!

Here are some other monuments we found interesting!

We found our row! Notice the K!

Charles said,"This is the
last place I wanna be!!"

But I said,"I wouldn't be
caught dead in this place!" ;)

OK-I know we're pretty gross! We just find fun in strange things sometimes! (not to offend anyone!)

To end our cemetery tour I want to share these bird pictures that were in the waterway next to Bonaventure...

Egrets?? I'm not sure - but aren't they pretty!

( to conclude our trip tomorrow)



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At 12:15 AM , Blogger mreddie said...

I remember the song "Green door" of which you speak. Looks like you guys had a good time, I haven't been to Savannah in a long time. Good photos and I also took those birds to be egrets. ec

At 6:22 AM , Blogger Merle said...

Hi June ~~ Have just caught up with your posts about your trip to Savannah. Great photos and I am so glad you and Chares had a wonderful time. I remember The Green Door also and do not mind the odd stroll around cemeteries as they are full of history. Thanks for your comment, glad you liked the jokes and may we never have to test banana skins on our rose bushes!! Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

At 7:56 AM , Blogger Peter said...

Hi June, the Clint Eastwood movie was quite good, well worth a look as are most of his movies.

At 8:43 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Thanks for coming by.

Yes, we DID enjoy the Savannah trip, although it was tiring!

(things get harder as you get older I have noticed! :) )

...but give me birds or flowers and I'm happy! The digital camera is a source of never ending pleasure for me!



At 8:46 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Dear Merle,

Thanks for reading all about our trip- It was a lot of fun for us both.

Will visit your place later today.


At 8:50 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Peter,

We have always been Clint Eastwood fans. I don't know how I've missed seeing that movie, but I don't watch much on TV these days. (Charles might have seen it on TV)

But now that my interest in that Savannah story has been renewed I'll try to get a chance to see the movie!

The book was excellent reading!


At 8:56 AM , Blogger Jeanette said...

Hi Junie. The green door gee I remember that well,looks like you had a wonderfull trip and visited many interesting places great photo's

At 9:04 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Jan,

Thanks for coming by.

:) -Charles mentioned that old sone'The Green Door' when he made that picture of me...so I looked it up when I was doing this post.

Yes, we DID have a good time on the trip.


At 9:18 AM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

I would have loved to walk through that cemetery with you and Charles...like you, I've always enjoyed doing that, especially if it's an old cemetery. When Steve & I went on our trip the other weekend, we stopped at a couple of them:-) I've never read the book or seen the movie of "Midnight in the Garden..." but how fascinating it must have been to see some of the places mentioned in the book! Now I've got the song "Green Door" stuck in my mind! lol xoxo

At 10:05 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Charles, especially, has always had a fascination with old cemeteries. It's always interesting to see the monuments and read about these ppl , long gone !

That book is really worth reading! I found our copy and plan to read it again soon.


At 10:14 AM , Blogger Joy Des Jardins said...

Beautiful pictures Junie. What a wonderful trip for you and Charles...you both look great....rested and happy.

I love that old song..Green Door.

At 11:11 AM , Blogger someone else said...

I think old ancient cemeteries are so fascinating, too.

Those egrets (?) are so pretty. I love their reflection in the water around them.

At 12:30 PM , Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

I'm reliving my several trips to Savannah as I read this post.
I did see the movie and it is good. The cross- dressing character is played by the REAL life Lady Chablis who still performs there.
Savannah is a place of wonder and beauty and such rich history.
I'm glad you visited there again.
Don't be caught DEAD there though!!!! :)

I sure hope you ate at Lady and Sons restaurant.

At 12:40 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


I will make an effort to see the movie. I LOVED the book and I think I resisted seeing the movie because I'm usually let down when books are made into movies (If I've read the book beforehand)lol- just Junie Rose logic and it probably makes no sense to most ppl.

NO! Sorry to say we didn't get to eat at the Paula Deen restaurant! :( I wanted to, but we went unprepared and figured we couldn't get reservations at the last moment!...And our time was very limited,too!

We were like a couple of lost puppies the whole time we were there but had lots of fun! :)

It IS a marvelous city!


At 12:51 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks for your comments,


and Morning Glory.

So happy to be sharing all of this with my blogging friends!




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