Friday, June 15, 2007

'Guess Who' again ...&...Bonnie's dogs!


My friend brought it to my attention that this is a better video than the one I posted earlier, and I have to agree!

~~ The Guess Who with 'No Time' - again! This is from 1970. ~~



And-since this is a short post I want to add the latest pictures of 2 of my friend's Collies! ... Go here to see- Bonnie's Collies!..and more!

This is Pistol!

This is Buddy!






  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    awwwww junebug -- thank you for posting the kids -- they are so awesome. i will send you pictures of ozzy when he is groomed on tuesday -- he is so beautiful -- not at all like the merles -- he is a sable but he is very light. crazy blond boy. and i'll have to send you pictures of my baby bird -- he is STILL alive!!! mom is feeding him. i moved his box -- actually gave him a new box with clean hay (courtesy of jack bunny) and a clean towel -- and i nailed the box to the side of the house!!! its below the nest area but high enough i hope that any wandering cats won't get him -- and hopefully mom isn't going to be upset but i couldn't leave his box on the ground while i'm gone tomorrow. just not enough time to take care of all the critters that need help!!!! thanks again!

    p.s. -- i took pictures after i got the box "mounted" on the house -- waverly said "you aren't blogging are you? you aren't going to post pictures of "here is what i did today? are you?" hahaha

  2. Hi Bonnie,

    ;) Yes! You have awesome Collies and I will be looking forward to Ozzy's new pics! He'll probably be the STAR of my blog, one day soon!

    I don't remember you telling me about saving a baby bird! Anyway, hope he makes it ok!

    LOL- never mind what Waverly says about blogging! :) You'd have fun with it!

    Have a good weekend!


  3. Anonymous9:31 PM

    oh boy -- had to scoot past THAT post -- hee haw -- just popped in to say have a nice weekend -- really wish you didn't like bugs quite so much!!!! talk to you soon!

  4. Hahaha!

    ;) I like the webs more than the spiders!

    You have a good weekend too!


  5. Those dogs are gorgeous!

  6. Yes!

    This lady takes such good care of her dogs- it's amazing! These 2 are very beautiful!
