Friday, June 15, 2007

Welcome to my home! (post #2 of today)

Welcome to my home!

( Click to enlarge photos )

I like to photograph spiders and their webs! I really do! I like spraying water on the web and watching the spider scurry away - all wet and mad! :) That's a trick I read that a much more experienced and professional photographer than I uses! It does make the web more showy and sparkly...sometimes looks to be woven of the finest silvery threads!

LOL- But mostly I just like to 'BUG' that spider!


( click on labels for more spiders )



  1. That is a CRAZY web.

  2. :) Yep- This spider had built himself/herself a fabulous place to hang out!

    I didn't disturb the web too much because it was in an out- of- the- way place in my yard!

  3. "Bugging" any bug sounds good to me.

  4. :) Yes! Everytime I 'spy' a 'spider' I have to ' bug' him a little!


  5. one very large web and another creature I dont like but im intrigued by there webs, long as there outside and tucked away there ok .I took a photo simlar looking spider while in Darwin last year so should be on my blog july/August.

  6. Hi Jan,

    Yes- it's mostly the webs that interest me too! And it's true if you spray it with water, the detail stands out a lot better for photos!

    Oh, I hate spiders in my house- which sometimes happens!

    I'll look up your web pictures.


  7. that's a really interesting trick about splashing water on it.

    your shots are great!!!

  8. Thanks for your visit and comments.

    Yes, I found that to be a neat trick with the spraying of water on the spider web!

    I never harm the spiders- but it bothers them a little to be sprayed! :)

