Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another day in North Fl...and a poem!

Another hot day is looming for us, here in North Fl!

I see Charlie is already at the spreading of the mulch along the little walkway of stepping stones we put down recently. I have a few more plants to put in there and then I will get some pictures of it all!

It usually takes me awhile to get going in the mornings-but I've had my 2 cups of coffee (my first 2, anyway) so after a bowl of cereal I'll get going with some action of some sort here! One thing about this place, there's always a lot to choose from to keep one busy! :)

I definitely will get those plants set before the day's end!

Last night-though I had planned to give my new Rush CD a go... I, instead, got into watching Rush videos again!

I am
so impressed with this band!

Tonight I
do hope to get a chance to give this new CD my full attention!


For now, though, I must get dressed and start this hot day's activities!

...and speaking of hot- our house is now very
COOL...thanks to that AC repair man! Cost a cool $300.00, but well worth every penny!


Here is a silly-fun poem I wrote a couple of hot summers ago... Enjoy! :)

Too Hot

Too hot to do my gardening,
Too hot to take my walk.
Too hot to visit friends today!
Too hot to think- or TALK!

Too hot to go out riding.
Too hot to check the mail.
Too hot to cook our dinner,
with all that would entail!

Too hot to fetch the paper,
inside so I can see-
and read about the ‘Heat wave’-
how hot it’s gonna be!

I’m sitting here, quite news-less!
I’m thinking, “…Just as well!
If inside’s like an oven-
outside must feel like hell!"

June Kellum
July 2005


Hope you all have a good day!



  1. Funny, funny poem! It's horribly hot here too, but we don't have your humidity. This has been a scorching summer.

    Cute new haircut. I'm getting a new "do" this afternoon, if I keep up my nerve.

  2. :)

    Thanks, MG,

    The shorter hair does feel much better!

    ...It HAS been an unusually hot summer all over the country!

    LOL- and the poem was just for fum- and I wrote it in about the time it takes to read it! hahaha


  3. I love your poem!! It's cooled off a little's only in the 90's!

  4. Janet,

    Lol- cooled off to the 90s! It's 90 here today too!

    I did a bit of gardening and it about knocked me out for the day!

    :) glad you enjoyed the poem!


  5. Well, we had rain here last night and early this AM. Now the sun is brightly shining. Hope you're able to get outside when it cools down a bit!

  6. Loved your poem was so cute and fitting. It's much too hot here too.

  7. My usual is to work outside a bit and then come back in the cool - then maybe go back out - maybe. :) I liked your poem. ec

  8. Loved your poem!! Very cute!!

    We got some much needed rain today, but it's still humid. I'm sure the $300 was worth every penny!! Enjoy!!

  9. Rachel




    Thanks to all for your comments. I appreciate all your visits here!

    :) looks like we're all having to deal with extremely hot weather !

