Wednesday, July 11, 2007

YES! Another very hot day here! (and Rush)

YES! Another very hot day here! This reading was not the hottest, I am sure!

...the hottest part of the day was when I was dumping those heavy bags of mulch into the flower beds- just after planting the rest of the begonias and laying down strips of heavy siding materials and/or newspaper... (when I ran out of the other) This of course is our attempt to keep down the weeds! (not futile, I hope!)

I couldn't work more than a few minutes without stopping for a few and coming in to cool off! Oh, my! It was hot!! ...But we managed to make progress and in fact almost have this area completed! We still have the area right next to the back porch to spread with mulch! I'm hoping this will not have to be repeated for awhile-and also that it will keep the back porch cleaner! We have put so much work into this -and $$$- it just has to work!!

Here are some pics of the walkway- It goes from the back porch door to the little garden I made for Mom. The one showing the rose is leading from my back porch- and the other one is reversed- leading from Mom's garden. Not sure just how many feet this walk is but those stones are 18 inches each with maybe 3 to 4 inches between them.
I like it!!


Late in the afternoon I went out to look around the yard!
There was 'The General' looking as cool as ever!
He's such a special cat!!

...and some more shots of the Crepe Myrtles...

They are truly spectacular this year...all around our area...not just ours! I wonder if they are- in other places too! I have never seen such huge clumps of blooms that are on some of ours!

I don't think I showed this dark red before!
( that little pink flower is a 4 O'clock that grew up with the red bush! ...the only light pink 4 O'clock I have.)

...And I ended this long, hot day just as planned- with listening to Rush's new CD, 'Snakes and Arrows.'
It is a superb CD, from beginning to end - IMO!

I'm very happy with it...every song !!

Junie Rose


  1. Oh Junie, I so love your walkways and it looks so neat with the mulch around them!! Isn't it hard doing yard work in the heat...when I was mowing the lawns, I was just soaked by the time I finished and completely drained!! Today we are having rain and it's cooled off quite a lot...feels good after all that heat and humidity! Your flowers are just gorgeous...I've never seen Crepe Myrtles before! xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    Yes, it's very hard doing yard work in the heat, but I'm determined not to let the weeds get the best of me this summer-The mulch helps a lot but it's not easy when you cover a lot of area as we have!

    I guess Crepe Myrtles don't grow in your area.

    They have really been prettier this year than ever before, so it seems to me!

    Hope you're having a great day, Pea.



  3. Your garden is looking terrific. Such work in the heat! Love the crepe myrtles and their pretty blooms. Ours bloom later here..

  4. Hi Susie,

    I didn't do much outside work today.
    Was sort of lazy! :)


  5. Hi June, you got away from me a bit but I'm up to date again your paths look good, now you won't get lost.

  6. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for catching up.

    Lol- yes- if I stay on that path I won't get lost!

