Wednesday, July 04, 2007

End of the day-July4-'07

This day seemed long and I find I am very tired so maybe that means I will be able to sleep well...I hope!

Got to bed very late again last night! Music vids were to blame!

I was watching recent videos of the RUSH concert tour-very recent, July 2 -'07 at Jones Beach! Someone wasted no time in getting those videos up! They are a LOUD band in concert! Several videos are listed from this recent show- and I expect there will be others! Hey! I am enjoying this band a lot! ;)


Anyway, in spite of the fact I was up very late last night (almost 2:00 again) still I was up by 7:30 this morning!

My morning coffee gave me a kick- start on the day.

Charles and I decided to go out for the day- since we had no plans to get together with any of the family. We considered a Victory ride, but rain was a big possibility so we went in the truck instead!

Here we are , starting out!

WOW! Wild hair, Junie!

We went to Inverness, a charming little town SW of us, near the coast. We have been there a lot of times, usually on the Victory.

We had lunch in this restaurant we both like a lot called 'Stumpknockers!' We like the catfish...and they have fried mushrooms that are just unbelievably good!

( Click any pic to enlarge )

I love these little Florida towns. Here is a bit of History of Inverness-and a picture of the Old Courthouse- a very attractive old building. The mini-map shows where Stumpknockers is in relation to the court house. Lots of interesting shops, too, but all were closed today.

'Elvis Cool' made a movie here!!! :)

This is the courthouse as it stands today.

Some random shots:

The mushrooms... Yummy!

Charles, being a pirate! (hahahaha)...

After stopping at a flea market- Charles and me in our patriotic garb!

We had a good day!



  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    happy 4th, junie -- looks like you had a wonderful day!!!! we are in the middle of a heat wave here today -- 106!!! and supposed to be worse tomorrow -- and they were also calling for thunderstorms -- and i really hope they are wrong so that we don't have more fires! fireworks are illegal here -- they have shows for everyone to see -- i could see the fireworks from my bedroom window!! and actually they are still going on -- but they announced a few days ago anyone with fireworks would be arrested and they have some pretty hefty fines and jail time. just nuts when we are living in a tinderbox to even think about playing with fireworks at home. so the animals and i cranked on the AC and stayed inside all day. has really been a long day....... and by the way -- I LOVE YOUR WILD LOCKS -- and chuckles with his bandana!!! awesome pictures! we're going to see The Temptations Review Saturday night -- will send you pictures -- should be a fun show --not the original band except for one guy i think -- boy i should have just written an email -- sorry -- have been alone too long -- arrrrggggghhhhh!

  2. Hi Bonnie,

    We didn't bother with trying to see any fireworks! I used to love to go see the displays they put on here in our town when my grandkids were 'kids!' Also in Miami with our kids! But those days are long gone. Life rolls on and you just have to go with the changes.

    Charles and I did have a very nice day with some silly moments mixed in.

    My hair is a mess and I really need to go for a hair cut but I never feel well in the mornings-takes me half the day to get going with anything- by the afternoon I have other things I need to do....sooo keep putting off getting my hair done! :0 I usually wear my hair pinned up!

    Sure hope you get a break from that hot weather soon. The fires are very scary out your way. Always thinking of you when I hear of them.

    Thanks for coming by.


  3. What a terrific day for the two of you. I love fried catfish....especially cooked in cajun spices.

    Hope you got to stay drier than we did.

  4. Anni,

    We both love fried catfish-and this place is really good!

    The best we ever had , though, was in Leesville, La. We visited our kids who were stationed at the army base there...oh- more than 20 years ago!
    Charles always said that LA catfish had a 'muddy' taste! :) But sure was good! Also was the first time we had been in a restaurant where they threw the peanut shells on the floor! :) ha- we found that kinda fun!

    We did have a nice day out yesterday- and missed most of the bad weather- tho it had rained a lot at our place when we returned!

  5. You had me at "catfish"...I think I would love that Stumpknockers...teehee!!
    I've always loved pictures of court houses!!
    :)'s me Early Bird...I've just making a few changes over at my blog and my name is one of them ;)

  6. Looks like you both had a great time....and love the patriotic garb... (Love mushrooms too)

  7. Hi, EB,(TAMMY)

    Well- that's good you're back to being Tammy again! It's very pretty name and a very nice lady who it belongs to! :)
    (One of my girls is named Tammy, too!)

    Oh yah! You'd LOVE Stumpknockers! The catfish is great! The decor is neat too- old pirate ship prints- and that sort of thing...with just some plain country accents mixed in, also!

    We go there pretty often.


  8. Look at you red, white and blue look wonderful and patriotic. What a great day....mushrooms look mighty good. Hope you slept well Junie...

  9. Hi Joy,

    :D lots of silly fun...

    Hope you had a good holiday.


  10. Judy,

    Thanks for coming by- Yah- we had a fun day and the food was great!

    Hope you had a good holiday!


  11. Now that's the type of little town I love visiting!! And what a name for that restaurant...Stumpknockers! Love it! lol Those fried mushrooms sure look mighty good...I often order Mushroom Caps which looks similar to what you had and I love dipping them in sour cream and parmesan cheese! Yummmm! You and Charles both looked great in your patriotic gear:-) xox

  12. Anonymous9:59 AM

    haha That picture of Gabbo being a pirate is really funny.

    Sounds like you guys had fun, I'm glad. =]

  13. Hi Alli,

    :) yah- we did have a good time that day!

    We know how to be silly, don't we!! :)

    Love, Ginga

    BTW- You need to call Zach- or talk to him online. We're going down on Sunday and they hope you all can come too.
