Friday, July 13, 2007

Oh, FIG!!

Oh, Fig!!

...I forgot to show you this!

They are Yummy!

Junie Rose


  1. Junie - Our neighbors back in California used to have a fig tree, whose branches came over into our yard and we never wanted for FIGS. We always had all we could eat and boy were they good! Thanks for the memories! ~ jb///

  2. Hi,jb,

    We just have one tree but it has a good crop of them this year! I just love eating them fresh off the tree!
    In the past I have pickeled them and they are good that way too...but more work than I want to put into them these days! ;) ...getting lazy in my old age!


  3. This is a great picture. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever eating a fig that way in its natural state...just Fig Newtons.

    Enjoy your beautiful tree! Ship some to Miami when you get a chance! :)

  4. Hi Scarlet,

    Welcome to Junie's Place. Thanks for coming by!

    Oh! Fresh figs are very tasty...I just want to keep eating, once I start! :) We don't have a lot , tho, with just the one tree!

    So you're in Miami! COOL! We lived in Miami for many years (most of my life) About 19 years ago we moved to Ocala! We love it here but of course have many fond memories of Miami! We raised our family of 3 kids there!

    Come again! :)


  5. have a lot of good stuff at Junie's place. Have a great weekend sweetie...

  6. Thanks!

    :) They really are good- and a fruit we only have this one time each year so they're very special to me!

  7. Hi June ~~ I love fresh figs and yours look delicious. I used to have a tree at the last house I lived at.
    I just love your fairy, your walkway and The General and your lilies.
    I wish tou have a quick recovery from your problems June, and hope you will soon feel much better. Take care,
    Love, Merle.

  8. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for stopping by and I'm happy you like looking at all my stuff!

    Oh, my dr. appt. was just my yearly exam and as far as I know I have no new problems (lol- just getting old!)
    Will go back for results of all the lab work soon.

    Take care,


  9. Oh my these are yummy. When my father was alive he had a HUGE tree in our yard and every winter we strung all the branched up and put a tarp over it so it would live through the winter.

    We had some tough times as that tree became over 15 feet high and at least as wide. It would take all day to rig that up in the late fall. After he passed the tree succumbed to a harsh winter but we have some smaller saplings that have taken root. His figs live on :)

  10. b13,

    Yes, I love to have fresh figs to eat!

    What nice memories of your Dad's fig tree. I'm happy you still have some saplings of the original tree! Hope you can keep some of them growing for a long time to come.( in your dad's memory)

