Thursday, July 12, 2007

My world today...7-12-07

Today, first thing, I had to go to my doctor's office...just for some maintenance work- you understand! Had to give them a few vials of blood and a couple other samples of stuff!

I didn't mind all that much...except the part about having to wait for my morning coffee! (Also had to resist having a bowl of ice cream after midnight last night because, apparently, blood samples are no good unless you are deprived of food and coffee at least 12 hours prior to the blood-letting!) ;) But I'll do anything to uphold the rules and, so, keep the old bod going strong for a while longer!

Next will be the real degrading part... (Aug. 1st) when I have to go back so they can ask me to step on the scale (I swear it's rigged) and even measure my height!
Have they never seen a short lady before... or even a slightly chubby one!

Every year when I have to have my height exposed and discussed I am reminded of this song by Randy Newman! ;)

...just so they don't tell me I have that 'Old Timers' thingie developing, I'll not complain! heeheehe


Now that I got the serious stuff out of the way, let me just show and tell you about some pretty things!

I was a little disappointed when I went out to check my Gloriosa Lily today. I thought we had the red one, like my daughter has, but mine turns out to be yellow! Pretty -yes- but I like the red ones better! Maybe some of the others will turn out to be red...If not
- I will definitely have to dig up some of the red ones at my daughter's house!

Charlie and I went for Pizza for lunch today - pizza buffet at Pizza Hut! Yum! We hadn't had pizza in a long time so it was mighty fine!

Had to stop on the way back for some prescription meds at K-Mart.

..While waiting I looked around the garden shop at the flowers and little statues, etc... Saw a lot of pretty things, including gnomes, fairies, frogs , turtles and even pink flamingos!

...I would just LOVE to have some of the old fashioned pink flamingos of the past...but not these present day ones! Although fancy, they somehow lack the charm of the ones I remember from my early days in south Florida!

After returning home I, eventually, walked outside just to check on things in my little world!

I walked down our new stepping stone path and just as I was passing the herb garden I spied this new little fairy girl!

What a surprise - and I swear she looks just like one I had glimpsed in K-Mart...not more than an hour earlier! Could it be she stowed away with our purchases in the pharmacy? Is my little herb garden becoming famous, or what! I DO wonder how the news of this special little spot reached this particular little fairy girl! She had picked a place right in front of the lemon Balm, if I'm not mistaken! I overheard the 2 fairies introducing themselves to each other...The newcomer is Silva and the older girl (which I had not known before) is Sari! Jerome (the gnome) seems a bit standoffish with the new fairy girl, but that may change!


Is The General starting to wonder how he will keep control of his kingdom with all of these new little creatures moving in?


Junie Rose


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM


    Last night, I read that every time a Gloriosa Lily ( AKA Evil Plant) blooms, it produces 2 new tubers. This being the case, we would be happy to share some with you as soon as I get some of the other stuff weded out so that I can get to them to dig some up.


  2. Hi Terry,

    That would be really cool! I am fascinated with these plants and definitely want a red one like yours.

    I was surprised mine turned out to be yellow. We have a couple more too, which could be from some of the seeds we got at your place last year. I'm hoping they will bloom so I can see just what we have!

    I have been thinking how pretty yours would look left just where it is and with a nice trellis... but all the other stuff cleared away!

    It's quite an interesting plant- this 'Evil' plant! ;)


  3. The lilies are gorgeous, yellow OR red. But, I can only imagine how beautiful they are with red blossoms. Love the new addition to your herb garden too! hehehehe

  4. Anonymous11:12 AM

    You could do worse than a stowaway fairy living in your garden.
    Although General does look suspicious.


    ps my live-in Tech tells me he will get into the proper spaces and find out why Blogger is giving me trouble the last couple months.
    Until then, I have to write my name.

  5. I haven't checked the weather channel to see if our TONS of rain is making its way to Florida.
    We are waterlogged!!
    The thunderstorms have been fun, actually, but I was scared to death while driving home last night. I could hardly see because the rain was so heavy.
    Our temps have cooled do to the rain. By cooled, I mean it's around 90 instead of 95. :-)

    That gloriosa lily is gorgeous. I like the color. It will be great if you have both colors.

    I'm thinking Jerome the gnome has a crush on that lovely new fairie.

    PIZZA!! It's my favorite food!!

    I hope you sceduled your colon roto rooter!!!!!!!

    How short ARE you?? :-)
    So what.... you're short and chubby.
    Well, I am 5'8" - I'm tall and chubby.
    CHUBBY = Happy!!
    We'd have to starve ourselves to be stick thin, and that would be HITONIOUS!!

  6. I Love your Gloriosa Lily... they are amazing!

  7. Hi Anni,

    Thanks! This plant is new for me and I'm excited about it!

    ;) ...and yah- that little fairy was pretty sneaky..but she seems to fit right in!

  8. Hi MrsDof,

    Yah- that little fairy girl seems fact- fits right in! General seems ok with it today, too!
    ( So all is well in Junie's world! ;) )

    ...I hope you get your blogger woes sorted out soon!


  9. Hi JD,

    We have been getting a good bit of rain here too-in fact, had a nice shower earlier today! Good for the flowers...but also good for the weeds! Our temps are in mid 90s every day! :( I don't like summer!

    I like that lily plant a lot, too! It's just sooo unusual and I will never be able to think of it as a lily! :) My daughter (before we found out what it was) re-named it the EVIL plant! Somehow that bloom just looked so strange and scary to her...and she didn't like it at all! They have, since, grown to like it better so I think they want to keep it...but hopefully I can get some plants started from it!

    About my Dr. appts... I go back in a couple weeks- and then I will do whatever they want ...even that roto-rooter thing if it has to be!!

    How short am I?? I'm all of 5 ft. now- tho in my youth I was almost 5'2"! I'm shrinking!! :(

    ...And I agree-Stick Thin would be
    HITONIOUS! (Not that I am in danger of that!)

    ...You might be right about Jerome... I saw him looking longingly at the new girl in the garden...

  10. The Real Mother Hen,

    Yes- isn't that flower interesting!! It's new for me and I am just fascinated with it!

    Thanks for coming by.

