Friday, July 06, 2007



What had brought me to this far corner of the yard was the spiders I had seen in this little shed that was once my chicken house.
Didn't get a good picture of him, however.... But I DID meet that snake ( see last post) which added a bit of excitement! ;)

This little spot of the yard and this little shed, was once our chicken yard. It holds many fond memories for me. My grandkids loved having the chickens.
(especially the younger two, Alli and Zach) I enjoyed them, too. I had favorites and every evening I would come out to check to see if they were safely at roost! :) Often I would have to shine a flash light up into the trees to make sure my little hens were safe! But knowing at some point they would not be!

In the beginning we had started out by building an enclosure -just a high fence- around this little building. It was not covered so of course the chickens soon learned they could fly out. They never went to roost in the little chicken house but high in the trees. Eventually, hawks discovered them-(and other wild animals, I suppose.) :(
.. . In time we gave up with them. I would get no pleasure out of seeing them cooped up, although I could have kept them safe that way! I loved to see them walking around the yard!
We NEVER used my chickens as food... but many Hawks did! It became too sad for me!

So this little corner of our place holds happy and sad memories for me...

(That...another little patch in this crazy-quilt that makes up my life!)

Last year we put a lot of work into this area...thinking it would/could be a nice retreat...a shady spot to spend some time during our days. ....BUT- nothing much does well here because of the shade- or perhaps because we neglect to water. This is one of the few things still growing here! I'm hoping it will bloom! It probably will since we've had some good rains recently!

This is the Red Passion Flower vine!

Further back from this 'Chicken Yard Garden' is a small grape arbor. Looks like we will have a few this year. Anyway, they make pretty pictures, ehh?

Just after the meeting with the snake and my watching him crawl into a brush pile we have to burn, I had thought,"A good place for you!" as I saw him enter this pile of brush! So giving it no more thought , shortly after that I was making my way back to look at the grapes. Suddenly, no more than 2 feet in front of me was this same black snake! (I HOPE the same!) He had decided he liked the pile of old brick along the fence better and was hastily, making his way toward that place.

Lol! Now that would have made an interesting video! I was startled-once again- but had to laugh...and said, "So there
you are!"

Yesterday was a patch work of many colors and textures...a big part of it was some gardening. I got the rest of my roses and flowers planted and we have the walkway laid but not mulched yet. It's looking good! :)

For dinner we had this!

"What's for dinner, Ginga?" And I say, "Fresh corn on the cob!"


After the mixed bag of activities of the day...all enjoyable in their own way...
Perhaps the best part of my day was my almost nightly listening of music!
I watched several music vids, ending with THE WHO!
Lol- Just to relax me!


Life is good!



  1. I've always had a fear of chickens or any bird about their size or bigger...shivers...that corn looks soooo good!!

  2. I love sweet corn. That looks like that kind I think they call "Cream & Sugar" Corn?
    As for the first photo... I am a LITTLE arachnophobic for that one! ~ jb///

  3. life is good if there's fresh corn on the cob!

  4. This was a delightful post, well except for those mean hawks getting your hens!!

    That chicken hut is cute with the flag hanging proudly from it.

    I saw your pics from the previous post, and all I can do is shudder!! I'm NOT a fan of snakes!!!!

    I enjoyed all the pictures and your commentary as well.

    PLEASE have a colonoscopy!!!!
    Your life could depend on it, and YOUR life is valuable!!!

  5. Tammy,

    Oh! I love chickens! Of course, sometimes the big roosters can be a little scary with those big spurs they grow! But we never had any that were mean!
    Dang it! I MISS having chickens...but got tired of having the hawks get them!!

    That corn was really good! Very sweet!


  6. Hi LzBlogger,

    ahhh-that corn was really good- not sure what it is called but was mixed yellow and white!

    :}... sorry about the spider!!!


  7. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Happy you enjoyed my posts...well except for the snake! :) I DID enjoy having chickens, but hated it when they would disappear...(knowing they had become dinner for a hawk!)

    Yes-I will follow-up this time with my doctor's recommendations...Thanks! I know it's the smart thing to do.


  8. RC,

    Thanks for coming by!


    Corn on the cob makes life better!


  9. I'm very much like you where cooped up animals are concerned...I can't stand seeing them all caged up. But then, as you say, there are the predators:-( That black snake certainly likes to cross your path! lol xox

  10. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for visiting!

    It was fun having the chickens! But I don't want to do it again.

    :) yah- I see snakes pretty often these days...4 , so far this summer. I don't mind if I know they are harmless!


  11. Nothing like fresh corn on the cob! Yours looks just delish..

  12. Good post JR. You can have the snake. We have the same deal with chickens. It's either a covered pen or they disappear except for the feathers and few bones.
    Our corn is about ready. We are going to have the same problem as the last few years. It will all get ready at once because of the heat.

  13. Hi June ~~ I enjoyed this post with the exception of the spiders and snake. Are you sure he's harmless.
    I love chicken too, we call them chooks in Australia. I love sweetcorn too - yummy and often have
    it in my meals.Glad you liked the story about discrimination, and the photos and even the cows. Blogger wouldn't open the "Add Image" tonight
    Hopefully tomorrow. Take care June,
    Love, Merle.

  14. Hi Merle,

    Oh, sure, that snake was harmless. Snakes are fascinating to study and it's easy to find out which ones are harmless and which are not in your area! If you know- then you can relax and not panic if you happen to see a harmless one around! :) Of course I would not want to pick one up BUT I like to watch them.

    Hope you're having a good day/night!

    It's very hot here today- mid 90s

    Take care,



  15. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for stopping by on this hot summer day!

    Yes, sweetcorn is a big favorite for summer here!


  16. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I am not a snake person and I am not certain about how harmless your black one is or are. Do take some precautions.
    I loved your memories of the chickens. We never had chickens when I was growing up in the country, but my aunt did and I loved to walk the 1/4 mile to her farm and play with the babies.

    You are right. Life is good

  17. Hi Cliff,

    Thanks for visiting!

    ;0 sorry 'bout the snake!
    He sorta took me by surprise but I was determined to get his picture. Hopefully, if I come upon a Rattle Snake I'll have more sense than to try to get his photo! :)

    AHHH- I know you will be very busy getting your corn crop gathered...You'll be having some yummy suppers, tho!

    Junie Rose

  18. I love sweetcorn :)
    Life is indeed good :)

  19. Thanks for coming by again!!


  20. Hi Maria,

    Well, I wasn't as near the snake as it might look. I zoomed in on him! But he is harmless. My husband would have picked it up if he had been there...well, he probably would have tried. However, those snakes move fast(Black Racer) and are not that easy to capture! (Not that I would!)

    Glad you enjoyed my chicken memories. It was fun having them... Nothing cuter than fluffy baby chicks!

    **:) except for human babies of those 2 adorable grandbabies you have.**

