Friday, August 10, 2007

Another VERY hot day!

Another HOT, HOT day here! I've had my fill of summer, and the effort in trying to keep my poor roses growing! I have the sprinkler going now but it will take a few movings of it to cover them all!
Wish we could get a good rain again!

Have you ever noticed...when it's hot, we long for the cold - when it's cold we want summer back!

When it rains we wish it wouldn't...when it doesn't- we wish it would!

In snowy places I've observed that folks,
soo, look forward to snow - but oh so soon get tired of it!

Even in fall we can't be content! The fall leaves that often entice folks to travel hundreds of miles to partake of their beauty are, often, a source of annoyance to those who have to rake those leaves.

I suppose with spring's perfection , all we can complain of is that it is all too soon gone!

Seems we humans can never be happy for long! Perfection is something we only find in very small pieces - and we all have trouble adjusting to less than perfect conditions in our lives!
( And not just in weather matters!)

Oh, well! But we're only human- RIGHT?

...still...tell me - is there anyone who likes this kind of temps for very long?
Well- perhaps if you're a beach person... Yes! It's ideal for baking one's body on a sandy beach, I suppose!

Not ideal for this old gal who is, simply, wanting to have a pretty garden!



Well- have had the sprinklers going for a good part of this day. The roses will thank me and would thank me even more if I could feed them! Sorry- I just can't manage it today! :(


We had visitors today - my sister and her 3 visiting grandkids. I had seen the boys but hadn't yet seen the granddaughter, Chey. ( my grand niece ) WOW! She has grown into such a little lady...very pretty! But then- she always was pretty!

My Alli and Chey are just weeks apart in age and spent a lot of time together in the early years! Joy baby-sat Chey as I did Alli and we all spent a lot of time together with my Mom, (Ma-Ma) their great grandmother, here at our little farm. Those 2 little girls loved our farm animals- especially the chickens! Chey has lived in Pa for the past few years, so the girls see little of each other these days! Hopefully, Alli and Chey can get together one more time while she's here. ( Alli and Tina are out of town until Sunday.)

Here are Chey and her 2 little brothers.

I took these pics around the back yard before our company came!

Still pretty
- in spite of this
extreme heat
we're having!


Coral Honeysuckle

Water Lily

Aloe Vera Plant (2)....Interesting plant! Read about it HERE!

Marigolds and Knock-Out roses

Rose Garden




  1. We've had the same weather Junie, and the stinkin humidity or hugh-mid-adidty is so high it's hard to get your breath.
    I'm ready for a 3 month long fall.

  2. It is hard to find the "perfect season" I believe fall is my favorite, but Calif has nice weather lots of the time.
    Your garden is looking nice. I'm sure it loved the water :)

  3. We're humans...we thrive on complaining! lol I know what you mean, though, we just never seem to be happy with the weather. It's staying in the high 70's, low 80's here now so I'm finding that quite pleasant...anything close to 100 is what I call "stupid" heat!! How wonderful that you got to see your sister and her grandkids...loved seeing the pictures. Your flowers are looking beautiful as ever:-) xox

  4. Hi June ~~ Great post - you hit the nail on the head with us and our complaints about the weather - we are hard to please. And your flowers are really nice. You are so lucky to be able to water your roses, we are not allowed to water outside at all and it's Winter. I save shower water and use that and have a tank to help a bit. Thanks for your comments June, glad you liked the story about Dad and his brother, and the Patch of grass etc
    Take care my friend, Love, Merle.

  5. Hi Cliff,

    Seems it's been bad all over this summer- but I guess pretty soon we'll all get a break.

    Take care,


  6. Hi Susie,

    Spring is always pretty here- but doesn't last long! I love fall too, but we don't have much in the way of color change here- however, the weather is nice . We look forward to riding the Victory in the fall.


  7. Hi Pea,

    Yes, had a lovely visit with my sister and the kids. They will be here another week.

    Your weather sounds good at the moment. I'll be happy when our 100 degree days get past! Look forward to fall!



  8. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Yes, I was thinking yesterday how lucky I was that we can water the flowers. At times we have had water restrictions on watering but not at this time.

    Take care,



  9. Anonymous12:16 PM

    we had so much aloe vera in Tucson that I really got tired of it. Tho, the hummingbirds loved the blossoms. They were pretty when the bloomed, but in the fall and winter the tips would dry up and make the whole yard yucky!!

    Now, tell me---------is that a WATER LILY? Wow, you have a pond too?!!! Super cool.

    [and the temps here hit high 90's with 90% humidity or more!! Unbearable, but still better than a winter snowstorm!! Any ol' day]

  10. It really is hard to enjoy temperatures that high. We've had them most of the summer and after a while, it just wears you down.

    Your garden does look lovely, though.

  11. I don't think I've ever seen aloe vera growing outside like that...I've always seen it in pots...but then I live way North of you too ;)
    I'm ready for that arror to point between 50 and 60 and stay there!!

  12. Hi Anni,

    Oh- I like the Aloe plant. Here- it may die back a little if we have a real cold spell- but they come back quickly. (And if I remember to cover them they are just fine)

    We have a small pond that my husband made...It is surrounded with flat rocks and he made a small water fall with stacked up rocks! ( pump is not working right now) Have only had a few water lilies this time! I think they're very pretty!!

    Our day today seems a little cooler...still... I'm not doing any outside work .

    Take care,


  13. Thanks, MG,

    The flowers are still pretty- in spite of the heat!

    Hope you're having a good weekend.


  14. Hi Tammy,

    I like the Aloe plants and have always had some growing. It spreads like 'wildfire' when planted in the ground!

    According to what I read there are lots of different varities of this plant. (I believe I read 250) They claim it has a lot of medical uses. I know it's good for burns and insect bites and I have used for those kinds of things.

    Hope you're having a good day.


  15. Love all the pics.

    It was 101 in Hickville today, and it is supposed to get hotter over the next few days. I heard on the radio that it will be 105 here on Tuesday.
    Thank God for air conditioning!!
    I'm having to water my porch plants daily, or they will burn up. I'm sure your roses would love for it to cool down and start to rain.
