Saturday, August 11, 2007

Love, Reign O'er Me


I found this on Youtube just now! This is from the 2006 tour of the world's greatest Rock band- 'The Who!'

IMHO - of course! :)

Last night, after listening to another favorite classic rock band -Pink Floyd- 'The Wall'- I wanted to follow up with The Who- 'Quadrophenia.'

Both of these Rock-Opera albums ( AND the bands) are great...I love the way all the songs are loosely connected in telling a story! :) I just get caught up in these kinds of albums - so much so I found it was after 2:00 AM when I finished up with QUAD and decided I better get some rest! lol

'Love, Reign O'er Me' is from the Who album, 'Quadrophenia' and is one of my favorite songs by THE WHO - or by anyone, for that matter!

*** These guys are amazing, to still be so good after so many years!***

(check out labels for more WHO posts)



Went out into my back yard and saw this....with web reaching between two of the huge Live Oaks. I knew I couldn't get a good picture, as this spider web was high above my head, but I was pleased with the way this turned out in black and white!

And seeing the spider web and having THE WHO music already in my head, it naturally, led me to this!




  1. Junie, I so love the way you enjoy music!! Music brings us so much joy, doesn't it! Now...about that spider...omigosh, that thing is HUGE! I'm terrified of spiders so I would have probably ran away screaming from that one! lol Oh my, that song is perfect!!!! LOL xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    Yes, I love music these days! There's so much out there to check out- and that's what I am doing! :)

    That spider was way up above me so he wasn't a danger to me! I zoomed in on him but the color didn't turn out well so I just made the picture in Black and White in my picture program! I like it!



  3. Staying up until 2 a.m.?!?! I hope you slept in.

    That big spidey is hitonious, but you sure got a great photo him.

  4. Hi JD,

    That was not much later than my usual time for sleep. The only thing different was that I didn't read my usual chapter or 2 in my current book!

    Got up at my usual time- around 8:00.

    That spider...
    I bet he would behitonious up close - but he was way up there!!


  5. I love that spider image!

  6. Thanks, B13,

    I like the way it looks, too!

  7. Junierose....I sometimes do the same thing and find myself staying up until the wee hours of the morning listening to music.

    Spiders are frightening little creatures to me, but that was an amazing picture of the two of them. Was it a black widow getting ready to eat her smaller mate perhaps?
    And you topped it off with that music video...I never heard that spider song before.

    Music makes the world go round and Jimmy & I both enjoy listening to music.

  8. Hi Sandy,

    I have always been a night person (as my mom was) so it's really nothing new for me to be up this late.

    I am really enjoying music these days- with youtube, especially- checking out music I didn't know much about before! I have missed sooo much over the years- now desperately trying to get caught up! haha

    Lol- I like that Boris song by THE WHO! And I thought it fit well with my spider picture!

    Oh! I don't like spiders that much but I like to photograph them and their webs! No- this is not a black widow....and , actually, the smaller spider was not very near the big one- just looks that way in the picture! It was one of those very complex webs that just extended in all directions. The sm. spidy was in a separate part from the big one.

