Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Sis!

Today is my youngest sister's birthday, so I went over to visit with her for awhile.

She has her grandkids down from Pa. for a couple weeks. It was fun for me, being around kids again - especially boy kids! Brothers!! :) Brought back memories of my own grand boys! (all 3 of them) Have to admit, though, my boys were much more rough and tumble than these 2 boys!

Joy is my baby sis and is 3 years younger than me. Here is a picture of us when we first came to Florida ...probably would have been 1945. Joy was about 1yr. old and I was 4! (always loved my dolls!)

Here are some pics of her 2 boys with their happy Grandma Joy and old Auntie June! :)

Her granddaughter is down also but was visiting other family today and I didn't see her - but will. The kids will be here another 2 weeks.

Happy Birthday, Joy!




  1. What a nice visit! I wish I had all the energy that little ones have!! I could get some things done then! Ha!

    Hope your sister had a wonderful birthday!

  2. Hi Rachel,

    LOL- You're right. I sure could use some of that energy!

    Oh, Yes! I'm sure she had a happy day with the kids. She only gets to see them a few times a year since they live so far away!

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit. Happy Birthday Joy!

  4. Thanks, B13

    (just as an aside bit of info- My sister's husband grew up on Long Island...I think the town was Merrick...or something like that!-LOL- Obviously, I don't know Long Island but wondered if it was near where you are. I was remembering your views of the NY skyline.)


  5. Happy Birthday to your sister Joy!! It's wonderful that you live near enough to be able to go visit her on her birthday...loved seeing all the pictures:-) xox

  6. Yes, Joy is the only one of my 3 sisters who lives close by. Another lives in NC, the other down around Sebring-south of us. (about a 2 hr. drive.)

    It's good having at least one in the same town! :) we get together pretty often.

  7. There's nothing better than spending time with family! I hope your sis had a wonderful birthday.
    I'm sure she enjoyed your visit very much.
    I LOVE the pic of you two as little wee babies.
    SO cute!!

    Those boys look like they are very happy being with their grandma and their auntie.
