Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Award Day-8~7~07

What a nice surprise ! I went to visit Joy's site this morning and found this!

Thanks so much, Joy, for all the nice ( if exaggerated!!) things you had to say about my blog! I do appreciate - that you appreciate what I have to 'show and tell' here! :)


These are the very kind words my friend, Joy, had to say!

"~ Junie of Junie's Place

is one of the blogs I've been reading the longest. If ever there was a more loving, dedicated and proud mother and grandmother....I don't know who it is. Junie writes about her life....pure and simple. She takes her readers on visits with family members, through her flower gardens, on motorcycle rides with her loving Charles, and often takes us back in time to her happiest days of young motherhood....
and she does it all through beautiful words, pictures, and poems."



I'm instructed to pick 5 of the bloggers I know who I think deserving of this award and pass it on to them...A tall order but I will try!

#1 - b13
This is one of my more recent 'finds' in the blogging world. B13 is a full of fun blogger ,does great photography, and loves dogs and nature! It's always entertaining to visit this site.

#2- Jamie Dawn
A girl with a great sense of humor who keeps her readers coming back. She's also a very warm and caring lady and the love of her family shines through her every post!
I 'm a big fan of JD and have been almost from the start of my blogging adventure.

Cliff is one of my newer reads . He's a very devoted family oriented man and his family are featured often in his blog! He comes across as a very nice man...one you wouldn't mind having as a next door neighbor! (Though, Cliff would never leave that big farm of his, for sure!) I always leave his place with a smile! :)

#4- Early Bird
This lady is a wonderfully caring person. And her blog site is always beautiful and artsy! She finds the most beautiful pictures and inspirational quotes, poems, etc- to share with her readers- as well as little bits of her personal life. Always a pleasure to visit with Tammy.

#5-The Real Mother Hen
This young lady blogger is new to me but I'm picking her because I like the way she writes and the variety of subjects she chooses. She's fresh and new and I expect to read more of her as time goes on!


Hope you will take the time to check these blogs out!


Each of you 5 bloggers I have picked should pick 5 of your own favorites and pass this award on to them!
Go here for full instructions.


~I am not sure how to put this on my side bar ( so I may not) ~ but at least it's in my post!~

Junie Rose


  1. Yea Junie! I'm still having a little problem with the award button on my sidebar....my daughter, Jory, is trying to resize it to fit. Gosh I wish I was more tech-savvy.

    I'm going to go visit your choices now....nice job. Hugs, Joy

  2. Every word that Miz Joy wrote about you is true Miz Junie...a hearty congratulations and Well Done to YOU!!
    Thank you for honoring me with this also...sometimes I get to playing around and tinkering with my blog so much that I forget to blog...lol!
    Love YOU and thanks again and congrats to all the others too!!

  3. I'm indeed humbled to have been mentioned on your blog. You should be proud about your reward. You truly deserve it. When Marilyn reads about mine given by you, she'll have to fight the urge to set the record straight so I'll not mention it to her. :)

  4. Congratulations on this award Junie. Quite well deserved!

  5. :)

    Right Cliff! Always better safe than sorry!

  6. Thanks a lot Susie!


  7. Wow Thank You Junie :) I was in Crater Lake yesterday, and came home to find myself with an award from you. This is really nice :)

  8. Woohoo!! Congratulations dear Junie!! You must learn how to put these awards on your sidebar...it's actually very easy!! When you download the award to your post, go into edit post and copy and save the code for that picture. Go into your Template and paste that code under your profile or links that you have on your sidebar!! Really, it's easy! lol xoxo

  9. Thanks for this award!!
    T*ammy visited my blog, and I will visit hers too.
    I am slowly making my way through my blog buddy list and also visiting the new people who have stopped by my place while I was away.

  10. Jamie Dawn,

    ...Just so glad you're back and am looking forward to all your stories and pictures! :)

