Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to Skye

Tomorrow one of my blog girlfriends is having a birthday!

Happy Birthday, Skye!


I was surprised and touched a while back when Skye asked if she could send me a book!
She had learned from my blog that I read a lot and just wanted to share an author that she enjoys reading. I said ok, even though I was a little overwhelmed with her thoughtfulness and generosity. In a few days this book came for me .

I had not had a chance to get into reading it until just recently.

I am enjoying it, immensely! It is the story of an extraordinary teacher of very special children with different problems...children who cannot be dealt with in the usual classroom setting.
This book is heart warming and heart breaking at the same time. Both the story and the teacher and writer of this book are amazing!

Thanks so much, Skye, for giving me this book.


On a sadder subject...
I am feeling very downhearted because I realize I am going to have to agree to put my little girl poodle to sleep. She is at the point where I know there is no chance for her to get better and she is in pain and her quality of life has declined drastically in the past few days.

I have never done this before. I have lost several pets through the years but it was never my final word to end a life. It's very hard...but I know in my heart it's the best thing for dear little Sadie now.

I hope I can find the courage I need...



  1. Oh Junie, I'm so sorry about Sadie. We just talked about this kind of thing in our e-mails. It is so hard, but you'll be able to make the decision because of how much you love her. Good luck sweetie....

  2. I'm so sorry about your Sadie. She's very sweet looking.

  3. Thanks,

    Joy and MG

    for you kind and encouraging words.


  4. Sorry that you are going through this with Sadie. I will pray that God will give you a peace in knowing that you are doing what is best for Sadie.

    I am a retired teacher and will definitely be reading this book. Thanks for sharing it in your post.

    Have a blessed week!

  5. Angela,

    Thanks for coming by and for your kind words. I keep hoping to see some improvement in my little dog. It's a hard decision...

    The book is a wonderful read!

    Please visit me again.


  6. Oh, Junie, I do understand how hard it is to make that decision about your pet! I had those same feelings when I finally decided to have Ashley, my very ill cat with uncontrolled diabetes, put to sleep. I know it was the best thing for her, but it was really hard to determine that her quality of life was too poor to be worth living. I hope you will be able to know the best thing for Sadie and have the courage to follow through with it, even if it's really hard.

    One thing... be sure the vet puts her under before administering the euthanasia drugs. My vet didn't do that with Ashley... he just gave her one shot, and she went from alert and anxious to dead in one swift moment, without any peaceful sleep in between. That's the only thing I've really regretted - that she was scared at the end, and suffered discomfort as the injection was administered.

    Thank you so much for writing a birthday post for me!! It has cheered me up at the end of a difficult day. I'm also thrilled that you like the book! Torey is probably my favorite author. She is still working to help kids, over in Wales, by supporting and raising money for the NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. She also owns and operates a sheep farm!! She's an extraordinary lady. Thank you for telling your readers about her books.

  7. The loss of a companion is always hard. I've always found this poem to help.

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...

  8. Hi June ~~ I went over to wish Skye a Happy Birthday and hope she has a good day.
    I am so sorry about your Sadie, but it seems as though it is the kindest thing to do if she is in pain. Hers
    will end and yours will begin.
    Be brave and remember how many years you had with her. Take care,
    Much love, Merle.

  9. I'm sorry about your Sadie. I pray that God gives you the peace and comfort you need while you face this hard decision.

  10. Skye,

    Thanks for your words of encouragement concerning my Sadie. I remembered you went through this not long ago. ....(I will wait through the weekend, I think.)

    This book by Torey Hayden is really good. She sounds like such a wonderful lady. The world needs more people like her!

    Hope your BD is a good one, Skye.



  11. Thanks, B13,

    That was very nice to read.
    I appreciate it.


  12. Merle,

    Thanks for your kind words about my little Sadie.

    And also for wishing Skye a happy birthday. I'm sure it pleased her.



  13. Delia,

    Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind words about my little dog .


  14. I'm so sorry about your Sadie. To end her suffering sounds like one last kind gift you can give her.
    Sending you ((hugs))

  15. The book sounds like one my Mama would love...she is an aide to a child with autism and keeps up with her all day long at school...noone wants to work with her so anything she knows is because of my Mama!
    My Mama also has an aged sheltie dog that she may have to be making decisions for soon...I know it has to be hard!
    (((hugs))) to you today!

  16. Tammy,

    It is a good book-and I'm learning a lot about children with problems like autism...etc.. We have to admire and be ever thankful for people like this lady and also your mom!


  17. Susie,

    Thanks for your kind words.

    She seems not to be in pain but is just going downhill...has lost a lot of wt- but still eats well.

    I have decided to, at least, see her through the weekend.

    ( I went shopping and there she was at the front door to greet me, on my return!)
