Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Reliving the old days...

Charles and me , as we were starting out from home.

...and our group...

Yesterday was our monthly luncheon/Meeting of the retired policemen and wives in our area! We meet at a little restaurant in Belleview, about 15 miles south of us, called Cal's Place. They are willing to turn over a little side dining room to us for as long as the guys wish to hang around and tell their Tall Tales of the past! :)

Most of these guys go back as much as 50 years...from the time they were all young men just starting out in their police careers.

Miami (where we are all from) is about 300 miles south of Ocala. I find it interesting that so many of these guys chose Ocala and central Florida as their retirement place.

Yesterday's gathering numbered about 10 guys and, I believe, only 4 wives.
(I missed my friend Sandy K., who was not able to come.)

Everyone seemed to enjoy getting together and talking of old times...well, the women folk don't share a lot in those memories but it's good to watch the guys enjoyment of taking that journey down their shared memory lane!


Junie Rose


  1. That sounds like a fun get together! I'm sure the guys really loved it!

  2. Hi Rachel,

    Oh yes- they loved it!

    I keep wondering if they will ever run out of stories! lol

    I doubt it!


  3. How wonderful!
    I'm sure those guys have a tight bond, much like the bond between military men.
    It's great that you get together and keep in touch with one another.
    These gatherings are probably enjoyable for the wives too.

  4. Junie - It looks like everyone is having a great time! ~ jb///

  5. Jamie Dawn,

    Oh yes! very similar to the military bonds that you see.

    And it is enjoyable for the wives too...although not all go back as far as i do!! :)


  6. Hi JB,

    Yep- it's a fun time for all.

