Thursday, August 02, 2007

'Monty Python' cat fun!

Another rainy day here but it surely does look pretty and fresh, looking out across the back yard to my rose garden; and also Mom's little garden, just outside my window here in the kitchen/nook. I'm glad I planted a lot of Caladiums. They add a lot of brilliant color, especially on a gray day such as today! I also love watching the Humming Birds that I have attracted to Mom's garden with a feeder. For the first time I'm able to get a really close-up look at them! Mom would love them here - they were among her favorites!

I had planned to go out shopping, and to get some things in the mail, but I think I will put it off until another time...just enjoy the day here at home. (lol- and get some chores done, too)


Last night this fun Monty Python Video ( concerning a cat) was brought to my attention by a friend... :)
It's fun to watch and the cat looks very much like mine!

This is my


Hope you all have a 'FUN' day!




  1. LOL at the video...I so love Monty Python skits!! I can't get over how much their cat looks like yours, it's amazing!! Oh dear, you're getting rain again...I do hope you have some sunshine soon! We are having another very hot day but they're saying chances of a thunderstorm this afternoon so we'll see if it really happens! xox

  2. The video was pretty funny and your Tiger looks like the cat in the video!!

  3. Hi June, what a great video loved the credits too "confused by wilderbeast"

  4. Hi Pea,

    :) I had fun watching that vid!

    Yes, That cat looks a lot like my Tiger!

    Rained most of the day here but it was ok- I just did things in the house.

    Hope it has cooled off a little for you. It's still very hot here but that's to be expected for us.

    Have a good night.


  5. Hi Tammy,

    Yep- I like to watch these 'sillies' sometimes!

    lol- I was just amazed I had such a similar picture of my cat!

    Take care,


  6. Hi Peter,

    :) I hadn't even noticed the credits!

    Glad you enjoyed it! I did too!


  7. I love the rain, Junie. Makes everything around here so green and whatnot. Over here in O town we're still below normal for our yearly water table. So I'm praying for more, lol.

  8. Hi Doug,

    Oh-I don't mind a rainy day!
    It does make everything fresh and clean- and green! lol-but the weeds in my roses like it too!

    Hope your town gets it's fair share soon! We have had a lot recently.

    Take care,


  9. Monty Python was always my hubbys favorite....
