Friday, August 03, 2007

My Rainy Day-8-2-'07 (and my music)

( Update: more dolls on my crafts and collectables site-HERE! ~ scroll down to see several pages of dolls !)

Hi folks,

My rainy day yesterday was spent indoors. I did get some necessary chores done around the house. I did a lot of cleaning in the bedroom, and trying to visualize the room rearranged to accommodate an extra small bed in there. I think it's doable.

Will have to be!

In our bedroom we have bow windows with a window shelf. There are 3 windows and at the center part of this shelf it measures over 2 feet; wide enough for a doll case for my overflow of dolls!

These dolls are, mostly, not expensive dolls...except for the sentimental value ! Most of these have been gifts from my kids over the years-plus a few I have found at yard sales! I find dolls hard to resist- especially if the price is right!
( lol- and that right price often depends on how much $$ is in my purse -or what kind of a mood my Charlie is in, on any given yard sale day!)

OK! I'm a kid who never grew up! I know that! As a little girl I always loved dolls and I just never got past that.....Besides- if you live a long time you collect a lot of stuff! Dolls just happen to be one of my 'things!' I can never bring myself to get rid of a gift given to me- no matter how cluttered my house gets!

Don't you just hate dust? That was a big part of my work the doll case and the blinds in the bedroom. I had to get up on the window seat to get to the blinds. I vacuumed them and washed them with a cloth. Would have taken them down and taken them outside and done a better job with the hose- but the weather was so bad... I would have gotten a shower, myself , in doing that. So I did what I could with the short cuts!
( lol- though it didn't feel like a short cut at all, with the time and work that went into it.)

The only help I got was my son telling me, "Mom, be careful and don't fall." :) He
worries because he works in the medical field and sees a lot of bad things happening to women my age! And I did get a fall from my window shelf a few years ago, putting up Christmas decorations; resulting in a broken wrist! Still- as I told Chris- we do what we have to do-as long as we can. (Besides-I had no volunteers, offering help!)

Anyway, got my window blinds-somewhat- clean and my doll case dusted and the girls re-arranged...with a couple recent ones added! ( how could I resist a beautiful porcelain doll for just $2.00? )

Some of my girls:
All of my dolls have names...

Group- (back in doll case)
  1. Tessa- (Crochet doll- gift from a niece)
  2. Junie Rose-close-up - ( This pretty doll is one I recently found at a yard sale- for $2.00!)
  3. Anna Marie and baby Betty Sue - (dark haired doll-she was a gift from my daughter Tina...the baby was an Avon doll...replica of an antique and NOT CHEAP! I bought her many years ago from a sister-in-law.)
  4. Sandy & Alina (Sandy in flowered dress was a gift from my son Chris...Alina was a gift from my daughter Tina)
  5. Elizabeth, Junie Rose and baby Betty Sue (Elizabeth was a gift from my former DIL and son Chris)
  6. Heather, Megan, Christina ( Heather-a gift from Chris, Megan-a gift from my daughter , Tam, Christina is a collector-Artist doll I bought for myself many years ago)
  7. Mary Jo and Patsy Ann ( both recent yard sale finds)

This little girl looks very sad ...or is that a pout...because she was left out!
Had to explain that she is a Christmas doll and wouldn't fit in with these summery attired girls. She will be displayed at Christmas with the rest of my wintery dressed dolls!

Besides...there's not room even for one more little doll in that case!

I think I will name her "Merry Noel!"

I ended my long day with a late night listen of Dire Straits!

I LOVE this band! :)

Junie Rose


  1. What a beautiful collection of dolls!
    I've got one that my Mamaw brought back from Mexico...I did some rearranging the other day and think I need to get her one of those doll stands to better display her!
    And reading this post made me realize I've never named her...I need to work on that one!

  2. Oh, Junie, I love your dolls!! They're so pretty.

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Precious PRECIOUS collection. And broke your wrist?!! Ewwwww, that's gotta hurt.

  4. Oh Junie, such a fabulous doll collection that you have...may we never grow up because I love my collecting habits too! hehe I enlarged each picture to thoroughly admire each the clothes and their facial details are so beautiful!! xox

  5. Pea,

    :) I love my dolls- but this is my overflow...Most of my dolls are in cases in my living room. :)



  6. Hi Tammy,
    Oh yes, you definitely need to name your doll! :) You could ask for suggestions on your blog!
    Then after she's named you need to post about her and show her picture!



  7. Thanks, MG,

    As I said, I just never outgrew my love of dolls.

    ...Am glad some of my 'girl' readers enjoyed seeing them! :)


  8. Anni,

    Thanks for looking - I DO enjoy having them around!

    Oh yah- that broken wrist was not fun...but it healed well and quickly.


  9. Your dolls are just gorgeous! The last one does look sad though. Maybe you could just dress her in summer clothes and change her for Christmas?

  10. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for looking at my dolls! :)

    ( such a kid, am I)


  11. Hi Junie,What a Lovely collection of of dolls you have, they are all Beautifull.I have my first doll that was given to me when i was 2 months old by my godmother.. thats many moons ago, I will be 69 august 21..

  12. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for looking!
    I love all my dolls -These posted here are not my old ones, though. Others can be seen on my other site.(plus many that I haven't shown)

    Oh, how lucky you are to have your very first doll, still! You should show it on your blog! I would love to see it!


  13. Hi June ~~ Lovely to see your dolls again. Isn't it funny all the warnings we get, "don't do that and don't do this", but no offers of "I'll do it for you.' Glad you got some jobs done and hope you can soon get a bed that is right for you. Is there a chance of getting 2 smaller ones with mattresses to suit and doing away with the large bed. Lots of folks do that and push them together with a larger bedspread over both.
    Thanks for your kind words on my blog, glad you enjoy it. Take care, Love, Merle.

  14. Wow your dolls are beautiful... when I was a kid I had a storybook doll collection....and had to dust them every sat. morning before 12o'clock.....I hated it....but when I was a teen or maybe when I got married, mom gave them all to my aunt for her church rummage sale.....I had some real collectable ones and could get a pretty penny for them now.... I collect antique honey pots and antique tea strainers....and I'm sticking to it, for I use to collect birdhouses, bears, but now I work a couple bears in with my honeypots.... I do still have an old vintage bride doll that has my hair on it..when I got my hair cut in about 3rd grade, mom took it to a doll maker and they put my hair on my bride doll....funny thing but I let my daughter have it because she has a victorian bedroom, she sat it on the bed, but her hubby made her take it off, and I have it back....he said it was really creepy to think his mother in laws hair was in their bedroom, while they slept....LOL

  15. Hi Merle,

    No,(about the beds) we have too much $$ in that big bed...but the 2 will be set up side by side- We'll both sleep better I'm sure.

    Got a lot of rearranging done yesterday in the bedroom.I have more storage with the new chest we bought!

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  16. Hi Judy,

    How cool to have that doll with your own hair when you were a little girl!! And kinda funny about your SIL feeling funny having her displayed in their bedroom! :)

    And too bad you didn't hold on to your other dolls...I don't have any from my childhood but do have some that were my 2 daughters' dolls!

    I'm just a bit of a fanatic about dolls!

