Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Always Remember...

~ Always remember ~

September 11, 2001


Read here & here

~ Never forget ~


  1. A sad day for our country, but so important that we never forget.

  2. Yes-Susie,

    I think we all should review all these pictures and information often!

  3. Junie ~ Don't worry... I for on WILL NEVER FORGET! ~ jb///

  4. United we stand...divided we fall...I've always believed this...

  5. Thanks, JB,

    I'm with you 100% on this!


  6. Tammy,

    I have always believed that, too!

    If only it could be that way...


  7. I vow to never forget! I remember how horrible that day felt. I hope we never suffer such a devastating loss ever again.

  8. I'm glad you & your granddaughter enjoyed the CD.

    I bought some of that strawberry yogurt spread you posted about. That stuff is delicious!! They only had the strawberry kind, so if I see the blueberry, I will try it out too. YUMMMMMY!!

  9. JD-

    It was a nightmare day- and I can only imagine how it was for folks in the locations attacked! ...It was almost like something out of a scy-fi movie-just beyond belief, almost!

    As you said at another site- we must pray for strong leaders...also- we must STAND BEHIND our leaders!!

    (sorry- I just have to rant about this sometimes! I worry so much with our country so devided...


    On a lighter note- :)

    That spread IS good, isn't it!! I had it on toast for breakfast today.

    ...and we really did like the cd your son put together! I bet that was a big hit with your bro and dad too, on your trip!

    Have a good evening, JD.


  10. I will never forget!! What an awful thing. I sure hope we don't have anything like that again, but we must never let our guards down.

  11. The day our world changed will never be forgotten. Many Canadians had family and friends working in the Twin Towers so we truly shared the fear and horror our fellow American compatriots were going through. I called my son in Toronto...he works near the CN Tower and they had been evacuated because they had deemed that area one of the spots most likely for terrorists to strike if the carnage continued. I sat in front of the tv for days and cried for hours on end. No, we will never forget. xox

  12. It was a very heart wrenching day ---and for years to come, it still tugs at the heart; the memory of it all. I've often wondered about the first REAL terrorist attach on Pearl Harbor ---what it was like for those people on the island---knowing nothing of what was to come of their day on Dec. 7th!!

    [ps] LOVE the photos you posted below!!! Great picture of you....and that sky photo is one awesome capture!!!]

  13. Thanks,

    Rachel and Pea,

    I'm sure a day we will all remember...

  14. Hi Anni,

    Thanks for your comments!
