Monday, September 10, 2007

Catching up

Can't believe I missed a day without posting but I sure did!
What's the world coming to?

Truth is -yesterday was just a very uneventful day - all things considered.

The bright spot was that our Alli came up with her friend for a little while and they watched old home movies of when Alli, her brothers and cousin were little! They get a big kick out of doing that! :) I do too- usually- but I didn't watch with them , much, yesterday as I had a bad headache all day!

I even forgot to make a picture of the you know it wasn't the best of days for me!

I had another appt. with the doc today. My BP was good so this new prescription is working for me! Wish I could keep my BP good without the meds but I seem unable to do it, at this time!

Oh, well! You just do what you have to!

Coming back from the Dr.'s office we realized it was the day for the monthly luncheon/gathering with the retired policemen (from so. Fl) who have settled in our area. I dislike doing things unplanned - but , what the heck! I figured it wouldn't matter that much that I was having a bad hair day...or that I was tired and not feeling
so hot! LOL- ( Not that I ever feel OR look so hot, these days...) Anyway, we decided to go - with not a lot of time to get ready!

We did take a few pictures in our side yard - just for the record!
( haha-you know I must have our life in for proof we were really here, maybe!)

Here are the old folks of the farm!

(...please excuse my squinty eyes are very sensitive to sunlight and I usually wear my dark prescription glasses outside)

...And..I had spied this huge multi-roomed spider web at the edge of our front yard as we were leaving for the Dr. appt.- I barely had enough time to get a few pics before we left for lunch. Of course the pics fail to capture much of the web-which reached several feet in all directions...from power lines to bushes and even to the flag pole!
It was fascinating but most of it was high above me and I couldn't spray it with water to make the web show better! I
did get some good pics of one of the spiders! The body of this spider was about 2 inches long! LOL- I will post some of the original pics- and some that I played with on my picture program!
I think they are COOL!

( Click on the photos if you like yer spiders BIG!! haha )


On the ride down to the restaurant, and all the way back also, I was just enchanted with the beauty of the sky. It was that bluest of blue with clouds piled atop each other like whipped cream on an ice cream sundae! This was the scene in any direction I looked!

I must have remarked on the beauty of it all a half dozen times...or more! ;0 Charles is very patient with me-and lets me just ramble on and on about such things...


The luncheon was nice, tho a smaller number than some of our times! It was good to see everyone! I asked our waitress to take this picture of the group!

( hope some of the folks see the picture!)

That was our day...a day in the life!

(Spider-Woman ;) )


  1. Hello dear Junie:-)

    Sounds and looks like you had a fun time at the luncheon and your hair looked just fine!! As for squinting, today while having pictures taken with my blogging friend NG who dropped by for a visit, I was squinting too because like you, my eyes are very sensitive to light and the darn sun decided to come out just then! lol I was operated on my right eye when I was 8 years old and it's made it that much more sensitive to light. Those cloud pictures are gorgeous!! xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for your comments.

    It was a very nice day...and the sky and clouds were really something spectacular today!

    Have a good night,



  3. Since I don't have any hair, any hair looks fine to me. I like spiders fine unless I walk into one of the webs unknowingly. :) ec

  4. Hi EC,

    :) thanks for coming by tonight!

    I know what you mean about walking into those webs...but I find them very fascinating to look at!


  5. Junie, I hope you're feeling better today! I wonder if it's the medication making you so tired.
    Your spider is a big one! You captured it well.
    After seeing your "Victory Ride" scenes looks to me like you live in a beautiful area yourself. Our valley is probably not the most beautiful place on earth (as you suggested), but we love it here :)

  6. P.S. Enjoyed the pics of you and your hubby. Your hair looks fine :)
    Yes, I just love the sky when the clouds are puffy like that. You want to share it with everyone, don't you? Thanks for sharing :)
    Glad our spiders aren't as big as yours :)

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Junie, Tell Charles he and his fellow officer sure look well fed and happy in that picture. Hope the head is better today and you are on the road to better health soon.

  8. :)

    Hi Mary (Momma)

    Yes- in fact we ALL look quite well fed!

    Thanks-my headache is better today.

  9. Hi Kerri,

    Thanks for visiting.

    Yes, I agree we DO live in a pretty place here -and it's where I want to be.

    It is refreshing to see pictures of other places-especially since we don't do a lot of traveling...and your upstate NY looks mighty fine to me! I love the wildflowers you have!

    The sky intrigues me, always...night,day,sunrises, sunsets,rainbows,storm clouds,,,but especially those white,fluffy clouds against that blue sky! And you're right- it's something that you just want to share with everyone! :)


  10. I only post about twice a week or so, so don't feel badly about missing a day. :-)
    I'm so sorry you had such a terrible headache. That really ruins things, doesn't it?
    Spiders are YUCKY!!!!
    That sky looks pretty. All those fluffy, cotton ball clouds.

  11. Jamie Dawn,

    :) Yah- I know- I post more often than most.

    most ladies don't like spiders but I think they're very interesting- especially the webs! (found some more today -haha)

    Have headaches a lot- I worry too much- let things get to me too much- but today has been ok as for as headaches go.

    Those blue sky days with the white fluffy clouds are my favorite days!

    Thanks for coming by!


  12. Hi Junie Hope your headaches have eased, and your hair looks good to me. Oh know another big spider I didnt enlarge it, it was big enough, LOL

  13. Hi June ~~ I hope you are feeling better and the headache gone. Spiders
    are very clever to be able to spin those great webs, but they are not one of my favorites, Thanks for your comments, glad you enjoyed my flowers and girls. And we will NEVER forget that awful day in 2001.
    Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  14. Thanks for coming-

    Merle and Jan,

    LOL- ok- sorry for the spiders-I just find them interesting!

    ...better with the headaches, thanks!

    ( will visit you both again soon)

