Saturday, September 01, 2007


A couple nights ago I finished reading this book! What an engrossing book it was!
Thanks, Skye, for sending this to me! I learned a lot from this and experienced a wide range of emotions...everything from despair to the purest wonder and joy! I have loaned this to my sister to read!


NOW- I am into another new experience in my world of reading! This book, also, was a gift from a friend a couple years ago.

I guess I have felt a little intimidated by this book...(although the subject of science has always intrigued me...our universe...our beginnings... ) I go ...with all the wonders to explore between this book's covers!

(Click to enlarge)

Read more about this book here!



  1. Love those videos down there, Junie!! You have talented musical grandchildren... and a definitely Southern accent!! ;)

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. Torey has lots of other books. She also has a website: where there are updates on some of the children in her books, including the one you read! She also has a message board where she visits daily and talks to the other members. She knows who I am, and everything! We recently helped her raise money for the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children), a British charity. She's a really cool and interesting lady.

    I'm glad you are having a good weekend!! It's so great to see videos! Please make more! :) :)

  2. I haven't read a book in so long, I really must take the time soon! I'd love to get the Harry Potter book collection and start with these to get reading again:-) xox

  3. Hi Skye,

    Thanks for the info about Torey Hayden. I definitely will check out the website! I was quite impressed with her.

    :) The video was just fooling around-fun! Those 2 just like to have fun when they get together!

    :) I didn't realize how 'southern' I sound until I heard myself on that vid! haha- but that's ok! I AM southern!


  4. Hi Pea,

    I DO read a lot but not as much as I use to-(before I got into blogging!! :) ) But the Harry Potter books are some that I haven't read either! I usually read writers like Stephen King and Dean Koontz...and I have a lot of other favorites too!

  5. I hadn't seen the videos when I was here last. Cute, talented kids for sure.
    I'm not familiar with either of the books.

  6. Hi Cliff,

    I didn't get the vids on right away... Thanks for looking.

    As for reading - I am never without a book to read- :) It's part of my nightly routine before sleep.


  7. Junie ~ I haven't read it... but the title (the pictured one) sure is cool! Seems like I just don't make time for a lot of book reading time these days (unless I am on vacation). ~ jb///

  8. Thanks so much for your visit....I am going to poke around here some more...Don't you just love both Rachel & Jamie Dawn?
    It's fun to meet you.

  9. Happy reading to you!

  10. Hi JB,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    I also find I am reading less and less these days!

    (blogging is to blame!!! :) )

    This book was a special gift so I want to be sure and read it.


  11. Tammy,

    Thanks! I always enjoy whatever book I'm into.


  12. Hi OldOldLady of the Hills (Naomi)

    Thanks so much for stopping by.

    Oh yes! JD and Rachel are both super girls! Actually, Rachel and I have not been blog buddies for very long- but JD and I have known each other (as bloggers) for a long time!

    So cool you and Jamie Dawn got to meet each other!

    Hope you will come again!


  13. I hadn't read much in ages but have been getting back into it some lately.

    I like that title of that book! It sounds interesting!

  14. Rachel,

    This is something very different from my usual reads!

    ...But I think I will enjoy it.
