Sunday, September 02, 2007

A long and gloomy day...

A long and gloomy day...

Sorry to sound whiny but it was that, for sure!

It rained most of the day-off and on- and was overcast and gray the whole day!

Nothing to grab my interest in this day...except we did have a very short visit from the grandkids late in the afternoon! Quick-quick!

Both Dan and Brian live in Gainesville now and we don't see them often! Their mom doesn't either- or their little I guess I shouldn't complain!

(I DO miss them, still...miss the old days!)

Got these pics - and then later in the evening took a few of my back yard!

Wishing happy times for all!



  1. I hope yomorrow is a better day weatherwise...there, and here...IT IS HOTTER THAN HADES HERE....! Sitting here baked....(Not a pretty sight, believe me....LOL)
    Glad you had such a nice visit, though...!

  2. Thanks!

    :0 rainy days tend to get me down ...
    but I did enjoy seeing the grandkids for a little while.

    :) so you've had a HOT day there! On those days I just try to stay in the AC house.

    ...But if I had your view I probably wouldn't! Fantastic!!


  3. So glad that you had their visit to cheer up your day. The flowers are beautiful and even the Spanish moss - we have a good bit of that in certain areas around here. ec

  4. Junie I hate the cold weather but we need good spring rains desperately. love all your planters . and spanish moss. I had spanish (old mans beard) and the birds have taken all of it I found 1 nest woven with my moss I unraveled and cleaned it put it in another spot and bingo its gone again..

  5. Hi ec,

    It was good to see the kids for a little bit.

    You know-I do like the Spanish Moss!
    Some don't like it!

  6. Hi Jan,

    Hope you get some rain soon.
    I know you need it there.

    I like the looks of Spanish Moss! We have a lot in our area here. :) I have seen it used in bird's nests too- however , we have so much of it there's no danger of them using it all!


  7. I'm glad you at least had the visit from the grands and felt like sharing some pictures with us.
    Have a wonderful Labor day!

  8. Thanks, Tammy,

    It's a nice sunny day here today!

  9. We are overcast today, and I am really hoping for a good rain. We could use it!!
    I prefer sunshine, like you, but I don't mind it when the rain comes... as long as it goes away before too long.
    I'm glad you had a visit with the grandkids, even if it was a short one.
    You won a DJ Taylor CD!! Hooray!!!
    Congrats and Enjoy!

  10. Hooray!!! :) I get the DJ Taylor CD!!

    Was hoping for that!! I know it will be good!!


    PS- Hope you get your much needed rain soon. It's sunny here today!


  11. It was a beautiful sunny day here yesterday but oh my, what a wind we had!! Today it's sunny again with no wind so much better:-) Get on your bike and ride over's just a little ride, really!! hehe I wish!! Hope your day is better today dear Junie...Happy Labour Day to you and Charles! xox

  12. Great photos!!!!

    Grey days get me down, too, so you have my sympathy!!!!

  13. Hi Kay,

    Thanks for visiting again.

    It seems it's easier ( for me) to give in to melancholy feelings on a rainy day...

    Today has been better.

