Friday, September 14, 2007

Forever Autumn

This is a most beautiful song by Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues ~Prog Rock band of the late 60s -onward~

He didn't write this song but I can't imagine anyone singing it better.

This is a favorite song for me and I think of it especially at Autumn!
I just wanted to share it today.

This is a recent version from 2005.

I see Justin still does it well~ and he still looks good too!

( OK- I have to admit I always liked his blonde good looks a lot! A lot! :) )




  1. I'd never heard this song, it's beautiful!! See, you're even introducing me to some new music:-) He is very good looking, yes! hehe xox

  2. Pea,

    So happy you like the song!

    Moody Blues and Justin Hayward are new for me in the past couple or 3 years. (Thanks to a very good friend from the music forum I was on) Of course I knew OF The Moody Blues but had never really listened much to them.

    I think this is a wonderful song!


  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Like Pea, this was a new one for me and so perfect for our almost fall weather.

  4. Hi Maria,

    It is just a perfect song, I think!

    Lol- I knew I had talked about it before but when I searched I found I had posted the lyrics to the song 3 times! :) I really,really like this song!!


  5. Good listening for sure Junie.

  6. Thanks, Cliff. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

  7. I really liked this song! Very nice! Thanks!

  8. Glad you liked it, Rachel.

  9. Hi Junie,I liked your song nice listening music, I had it playing while looking at you other posts Spiders Ewwwwwwwwwwwww

  10. Gidday Junie,

    Yeah this is a great song from Jeff Wayne's musical version of "The War of the Worlds". As I'm reading thru' the blogs and I've just came to yours would you (believe it or not) that this very same CD is playing on my CD player. Another Twilight Zone moment. I must admit his blonde good locks don't do a lot for me!!

  11. Hi Wazza,

    Yikes! That is very weird that you just happened to be listening to that very song when you found this post!

    I have become a big Moody Blues fan just in the past couple years. I got involved in a music forum and it opened the world of music up for me as never before.

    This is a great song -IMO- and I was unaware that Justin Hayward had not written it until I did some research.

    :) WELL...He was quite good looking in his youth- still not bad!

    Thanks for visiting, Warren.


  12. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for coming over and am glad you liked the song...if not the spider! :)


  13. Loved it!! Very fitting for this beautiful Autumn day!!

    Sitting here with my windows open and a Apple Rhubarb candle it really fits my mood!:)

    Plus, I'm with you...he is not hard to look at ;)

    I'll be back to blogging tomorrow, with bells on!
    Have a great day! :)

    PS...Hubby picked up Plain White T's CD...we enjoy it!!

  14. Hi Tammy,

    I'm so glad you like that song! There's a lot of versions you could check out. I just wanted to use this one because it's pretty recent (2005) and it's more what Justin Hayward is like now. Yep! He still looks good - AND sounds good! :)

    :) My granddaughter will be glad to hear you got the Plain White T's CD!
    I should get it too.

    I am just amazed at what a wide variety of music I can enjoy these days!

    Hope you've had a good couple days away- but welcome back!

