Sunday, September 16, 2007

Jackson Browne

In the early 1970s , with the influence of my teen age son, I discovered a few singer/songwriters of the soft rock sound. I think my son Chris, was very selective and picked ones he felt sure I would like - to lead me to. In most cases he was right on with his selections for me.

The two singers that I have stayed with most faithfully, and never grew tired of hearing are...
Dan Fogelberg (of course that's a known fact-right!!) and Jackson Browne! These two singers were the ones whose new albums I waited for with the greatest anticipation! And neither of them ever disappointed me!

Tonight I found a whole bunch of videos of Jackson on Youtube! I have been like a kid in a candy store-sampling every one! :)

Most of the ones I found are from the earliest days of his career- from the album 'The Pretender.' And that title is the song I chose to share here!

Although this song is from the 70s- this version ( This vid) was recorded in 1994.

I have always thought of Jackson Browne as being among the best songwriters around so in 2007, when he was chosen as one of the inductees into the 'Songwriters Hall of Fame,' I was not at all surprised!

His songs often have a sadness - always have deep and heartfelt lyrics.

I hope you enjoy this video...I think most of us can identify with these words to some extent.

Click menu at bottom of this vid-3rd. from left- to see the best early version of this song (1976)




  1. Our kids liked Jackson Browne also!!

  2. Hi Anni,

    He's one of the best!

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Thanks for the great music. Although, I was not always fond of my kids' choice of music, I did like Jackson Browne

  4. Happy you enjoyed it, Maria.

    I have been a Jackson Browne fan for over 35 years!

  5. Happy Monday, Junie!!

    I asked b13 to give the photo prize to you since you really are the one who deserves it. You narrowed it down, and I really had NO idea what it was. I just tossed out any sea creature that came to mind.

  6. LOL-

    JD- I just had fun with the wild guessing Of b13's mystery picture...but YOU got the right answer so you deserve the picture!

  7. I'm ashamed to say that I've never of Jackson Browne! I guess his music just never made itself into my home! lol xox

  8. he's very good - IMHO- of course.


  9. Hey, Junie!!
    b13 decided to give us both a prize!!!
    I already chose which photo I want.
    Now, it's YOUR turn!!
    I don't feel so badly now about it.
    We're both winners!!

  10. Hi JD,

    :) Yes- I saw that. I picked a picture of his more recent ones.
