Sunday, September 23, 2007

Our Day...and a sad ending

We had the family here today for a birthday dinner for Chris ( a few days late)- and also to all be together with Tina before her surgery tomorrow. Brian was unable to come because of his work schedule but he will see his mom tomorrow, I'm sure.

We all felt guilty to be able to eat all that good food and Tina only able to be on clear liquids! :( We'll have to make it up to her when this is all over.

She has to be at the hospital at 11:00 tomorrow and the surgery will be a couple hours after that. Charles and I, her husband Marc and daughter Alli will be there for sure-and maybe the boys.

Here are some pics of our day.

**We missed Brian!**


The very sad ending to this day was that I finally had to let my little dog Sadie go.
I lacked the courage- far too long - but late today I realized it was time...way passed

I told my husband to please just get her to a vet in the morning before I woke up. He said he'd do it now...would be better not to wait and let her suffer through another night... And, although my heart was breaking I had to agree... It was the only choice!
( He knew a vet to call )

I won't dwell on this after this post . I will just say that this was one of the hardest things I have ever had to make the decision to end the life of a pet. I loved the little girl...I had, so, hoped she could get better...

Goodbye, little Sadie girl.



( Ginga )


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry, Junie, about poor little Sadie. I'm glad she's not suffering any more, but I know you will miss her so much. My heart hurts for you.

    I will be thinking of you all tomorrow and hoping for things to go smoothly with Tina's surgery.

    Take care, and stay safe.

  2. (((Junie))) I know how hard it is to lose a pet and even knowing you did the right thing in not letting her go on suffering any more, it still hurts a lot! The very best of luck to Tina with her surgery tomorrow, will be thinking and praying for all of you! Loved all the pictures:-) xox

  3. Dear Pea and Skye,

    Thanks to you both for being such dear and thoughtful friends. It means a lot to me.

    Will update tonight if I can.



  4. Dear Junie,
    I know how sad you must feel to lose your precious Sadie. Sending you big ((hugs)) that your wonderful memories and loads of pictures will comfort you in the days ahead.
    Keeping Tina in my prayers.

  5. Prayer for Tina, for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery.

  6. I'm so sorry to read about Sadie. It's so difficult to lose a pet you love so much. I'm sending you big hugs and lots of good thoughts.

  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I'm bawling! It's so difficult to say goodbye to our furbabies!! They love us so, unconditionally.

    Glad to hear that you had a good time other than saying goodbye...and ya, after the liquid diet, you'll have t make it up to her!!

    Drop by when you can, I haven't seen you visiting in a long time.

  8. Wow Junie - Lots of neat pictures here! Great family! ~ jb///

  9. So sad for you and the decision you had to make...

  10. Oh how sad about Sadie. I'm so sorry. We don't have pets, but many in our family do and I know how much they are loved.

  11. Thanks to you all for thinking of us and sending prayers our way.

    I will get back to each and every one as soon as I can.


  12. I'm so sorry about Sadie Junie....but you know you were right to do it. Her suffering is was the kindest and most loving thing you could have done for her. I'm sending you many hugs sweetie...

  13. Anonymous1:24 PM


    i am so sorry about your pet i know that feels had to do that myself and know how that feels

  14. Thanks,Dave,

    It was hard and I really let it go on too long- only from just hoping she could get better...

    Thanks for visiting me here! Hope you'll come again...and hope things are going well for you these days.

