Friday, September 21, 2007

Singing Cowboy

Michael Martin Murphy

Who likes cowboys? Me! Me!! Especially if they have this kind of voice and can pull off a performance like this!

~~That beard is not bad either! Hey! You know I like beards-right?~~

This was one singer I liked a lot through the 70s. I think he has a fantastic voice. I especially liked this song and 'Wildfire' which can also be found on Youtube.

This is a recent live performance on the David Letterman show , according to the info given!

It's a fantastic performance! Tell me what you think!


This music lifted my spirits tonight. I'm glad I found it.



  1. *big smiles*

    Loved this...but I'm partial to ge-tar players at this time, especially my Hubby ;)

    I've always loved this song and my Hubby loves to sport the cowboy look or he used to do it more than he does now...I can't wait till he can play like this and be dressed up!

    Loved his hat and that fringed coat is the bomb!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sounds and looks good....but who is he....

  4. Hi Judy,

    He's been around since the 70s, as I remember. He's more country than pop/rock - well- at least on some songs he is! You often see him on country music programs. I liked him for his beautiful singing voice- and these 2 songs I mentioned here were my favorites, of his.
    He's pretty much thought of as the singing cowboy, I think- and too much of that kinda turned me away from his music...

    OH! He used to go by only 'Michael Murphy'- but then started using the middle name too.

    ;) I need to look up his bio because I haven't thought much about him in years!


  5. Tammy,

    :) Yah- ole MMM is not bad at all!
    I thought this was just a real superb rendition here, of this song!

    And - 'Wildfire' is very good too...but this one just makes you wanna dance! :)

    I bet your husband is getting very good with his playing by now, eh?

    My husband always wished he could play the guitar but never learned ( nor have I, tho we bought a guitar some months ago!) C. has had several over the years, in fact. He has given it a try but I have to say I haven't even done that! Oh, well!!

    :) yes- I like that cowboy look too- especially that jacket!

  6. First is Tina doing now? I see she needs surgery?!! And the butterfly is absolutely gorgeous. Nothing like it here in TX that I know of anyway.

    I too love country. My favorites are George Strait, Willie Nelson, and an oldie but goodie...Roy Clark!! [We got to see Roy C. and Willie in concert ---would LOVE to see George in real live person]

    Hope your days are getting better. Drop by sometime to say 'hi'. When you feel up to it.

  7. Hi Anni,

    Thanks for stoppin by.

    Tina's surgery is tomorrow. It's to repair the tube that comes from the kidney and will be a few hours and a few weeks recovery. Hoping and praying things go well.

    We're having everyone here today- soon- for my son's birthday and for Tina too.

    Happy you enjoyed the video of Michael Murphy. I like that song a lot.

    ...I HAVE been to your site recently- just haven't felt much like posting a lot for a few days! I enjoyed your star gazing! :) I like to do that too- but usually very late at night- not early mornings!

    Catch you later-

