Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our day~Sept 18,2007

Today I went with my daughter, Tina, to Gainesville, for her consultation with the surgeon. She is to have the surgery on Monday, Sept. 24th. Of course, Charles and I and her husband and kids will be there. It's a pretty delicate operation as we understand it and will take about 6 hours and her recovery period will be about 6 weeks.

Your positive thoughts and prayers will be appreciated.

After her appointment we stopped in to see Daniel. (Tina's son- my oldest grandson)
It's always a pleasure for me - seeing the kids.


Tomorrow is my son's birthday and we are planning a little party/get together on Sunday for him. The Orlando folks will be coming and I'm hoping both grandsons in Gainesville can be here. It will be the day before Tina's surgery so it will give all of us a chance to be together with her. ( Although TINA will not be able to consume anything but liquids on that day :( )

This is Chris at almost 3 yrs. ...His first baby sister was on the way, as you can see by the way I'm dressed!

(Charles always called these maternity tops...'Hatching jackets!' ;) a good enough name I suppose! )

I think this was July and Chris' sister came less than 2 weeks after his 3rd. birthday!

Happy Birthday, Chris!


Over the weekend we had a new calf born to Janet Reno! ( Charles named this cow! )

OK... as I've said before, I usually go with whatever name that pops into my head first for the new calves! Sooo... I was thinking ...Fall...the fall season...Sept...Autumn... So I said..Fall..Fall.. 'Fall Guy!' :) So that's his name!

I give you the newest arrival at our farm... I give you - 'Fall Guy!'

...and a few other cows that deserve honorable mention!

The red cow~ Bloody Mary

The black bull~Big John

The spotted cow~Cloud

The Light golden brown cow~ Carmel



  1. Dear June ~~ I was wondering the other day when Tina's surgery was,
    it will be great when it is all over
    My prayers and thoughts with her, and you for a happy outcome and quicker recovery. I liked the pics of the calves and cows. Like the names esp.
    Cloud. Thanks for your comment and the Wisteria is looking really nice again and still coming out. I hope yours does well next Spring. Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. Nice names for the cows.

    I'll keep Tina in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Thanks,

    Ann and Merle,

    for visiting and especially for your kind thoughts and words concerning Tina.


  4. I remember a lesson my brother got from his cow herd. He said "when using a calf as a shield from a mad Mother cow, (Mothers won't usually injure their young) make sure you've got hold of the correct calf."
    Congrats on births and birthdays and prayers are on the way for the patient. I hope all goes as planned.

  5. Hi Cliff,

    Thanks for all your comments-and advice about the cows!

    ...Janet DOES look pretty mean with those long horns but she's not that bad...But - still- I just get my pictures from the safety of the truck! :)

    Thanks for your good wishes and prayers, too.


  6. Junie ~ My prayers will be with you and your family for successful results for your daughter's surgery! ~ jb///

  7. I hope all goes well with Tina's operation!!

    Love the cow names!!

  8. Hi Tammy,

    Thanks for your good wishes for Tina.

    I dread it for her but we'll all get through it.

    We're expecting another calf any time now. The mom is Heather...Wii have to come up with another name soon!


  9. I hope things go very well for Tina's surgery.

    I LOVE that picture of you!!

  10. My prayers are with Tina, I do pray that her surgery will go well!! Only a man would name a maternity top a "hatching jacket"!!! LOL Happy Birthday to Chris...you both look so adorable in that picture:-) Congratulations on the new calf..love the name Fall Guy! xox

  11. MG

    and Pea,

    Thanks to you both for your comments and good wishes for Tina. It's much appreciated.

    ;) ~ that picture goes back a LONG WAY -45 years, in fact!


  12. Hi Junie,
    I'll keep Tina in my prayers that her surgery goes well. I love the name "hatching jacket" Too cute!
    Cute picture of Fall Guy (and the others as well)

  13. Hi Susie,

    Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers. I just have to trust that it will all go well for my daughter.

    :) glad you got a chuckle out of my husband's take on the maternity clothes . I thought it was a kinda cute name for them.

    Have a good day.


