Monday, September 03, 2007

Something new~

( Update-at bottom of post!!!)

Junie says...

Charles finally found some new post hole digger handles at the flea market yesterday. He's been looking, for awhile! If he can find something at the flea market for a few bucks cheaper than Lowe's he feels he's one up on somebody! :)

After some little trial and error of removing the old handles and putting in the new ones...lots of sweat and probably a fair amount of cussing ( Can't know for sure because I avoid such events when it's possible!) he is here to show off his finished project; proud and pleased as can be!

You will notice he gave the old hole diggers a new coat of green paint! He has this thing about the color green and wants everything to be green...prompting our daughter, Tammy, once to remark,"Dad, green is not the answer to everything!!" LOL- but he still thinks it is!

...Luckily, green is my favorite color too- so I don't mind his passion for the color! :) That's a good thing or how would I have lived with an avocado green house in Miami for 30 something years?:)

I wouldn't object to his color choice for his post hole diggers, anyway!

He says this is probably the last post hole digger he'll ever need to buy ( or fix up)...He's often saying things like that as we get older-about a lot of things he buys.

That was his reasoning when he bought the new truck a couple years ago..."This truck will last me the rest of my life!" LOL- but come to think of it- he said the same thing with the last truck before that one, that he bought, too!

He says he can buy a loaf of bread and gallon of milk and get a lifetime warranty on it!! And he'll only buy very ripe bananas- just to be on the safe side!! :)

...About these post hole diggers...he has said they can be used to bury his ashes after he passes... says he wants to be buried here in our garden...and wants to cut down on the expense of a fancy funeral!

LOL- YES!! He's joking! You'd have to know Charles and me to understand all this silly stuff that we carry on between us! haha ! And I hope no one is offended here!

(I have learned that folks DO get offended by the most unexpected things , sometimes!)


Hope you've all had a good holiday weekend!

It's been a lazy one for us...nothing at all going on here today!

C. just asked me what our dinner plan is - and I told him,"We're going out for dinner!" ;) Now I have to think of some place good to go!

See ya later,


( update!!)

Just when we got ready to leave, it came a really severe downpour- so we had to wait it out a little. When we finally got going Charles let me pick and I picked Shells! I was in the mood for seafood!

This is what I got!

He wasn't!

So he got this!

On the way home we stopped for one of those soft ice cream cones from McDonalds!
They are not bad- are allowed on Wt. Watcher diet, as a treat!

LOL! Charles said he's getting up real early tomorrow and getting a head start on this diet thing!!

Each tomorrow is ( or CAN be) a brand new start!



  1. LOL I love the sense of humour you and Charles have...the same kind I do! hehe We would all get along just fine! lol He really did a great job on those post hole diggers...I love the green colour also:-) I've also had a relaxing day, did a bit of weed pulling in my faerie garden but that's it. Hope you found somewhere good to eat:-) xoxo

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Nice post hole digger Gabbo. Are you planning to use it, or saving it to bury your ashes?


  3. ;) Hi Terry,

    Lol- he has some fencing to do with that post hole digger!!

    ( Isn't he just awful!!!)


  4. Hi Pea,

    :) yes- we get a little far out sometimes with out silliness- but it's just all for fun!

    We had a nice dinner out.

    Now I'm very tired so plan to make an early night of it , if I can.

    Good nite, Pea,

  5. LOL, LOL...It is a good thing you like the color green from what you say....Charles has a twinkle in his eye doesn't he?
    Those two dinners look very delicious!

    Still hot as hades here...This is to let up!!! It is really atrociously hot....and been like this for seven days.....Going to lie down again now.

  6. Hi June ~~ Glad to see that Charles got his new handles for his post hole digger and I think green is great for tools and garden things, but not everything. But if he's happy and you can live with it, why not?
    Thanks for your comments, one lady says that story of the man in the back seat of car isn't true. But it is still wise to be careful.
    Take care, dear June, Love, Merle.

  7. I really endorse Charles' intention to make things last as long as possible rather than throw something away and buy a new/bigger/better one. Good for him!

  8. Hi Junie,
    I have just popped over from Jeanette's blog, having seen your comment. It is so nice to meet like minded people. I enjoy writing and have 60k words of a, well hopefully, novel. I enjoy my garden too. Very different here in Australia to the US.

  9. Good morning, Naomi,

    LOL- Yes- Charles is a great one for joking around in his own way! We usually find fun in our every day lives here on the farm.

    (_lol- not really much of a farm but we like to call it that!)

    I really hope you soon get a break from that extreme heat out there!

    Take care,


  10. Hi Merle,

    :0 Yes- green is a good color-and yes- good for garden things, especially! Also our motorcycle is that dark green we both love.

    That story may not be true, but sounds like it could be...still- we all need to be as careful as we can!

    Have a good day, Merle.


  11. Hi Val,

    Charles grew up very poor (so did I) SO sees the value of making things last. Not a bad thing- as I see it!

    Have a great day!


  12. Hello Helen,

    So nice to meet another Australian lady.
    And it's so interesting to connect with ppl who like the same things as we do! It makes me feel just how closely we are all connected-all over the world!

    I will be checking out your blog! Thanks so much for visiting me here.

    OH! I wish you well with your writing!


  13. Hi Junie, I rather like green garden tools, Good on Charles getting new handles for his post diggers, Oh Yummy I do love Seafood.

  14. Hi Jan,

    Yes!! Green is a good color- especially for garden stuff!

    My dinner was good last night- however it didn't set too well with me , for some reason!


  15. I love your post-hole digger story. He sounds just like my husband when it comes to getting a bargain and creating something new. I have a broom with the longest handle you've ever seen!

  16. I like the part of 'ripe bananas'...too cute. My hubby is the same way---first it was "I won't live to see Irene graduate..." [Irene being our first born. And so on, and so on....up to the point now that he won't make it beyond the next year. I just sit and let him talk! We have my dad's post hole digger...too strenuous tho! Our backs won't make it beyond our youngest grandson's graduation!! LOL

    The seafood looks scrumpdillicious!!!!

  17. Hi Anni,

    Thanks for visiting!

    ...:) Charles just bought some very ripe bananas again today... worries me a little...


  18. Hi MG,

    ;) Yes- he likes a bargain- and never wants to throw anything away!

  19. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I have an ugly ceramic vase that I painted. I MEAN UGLY ! but I just can't throw it out. I have told everyone that when I die cremate me and put the ashes in the vase and find a cork for the top.

    Now if Charles really wants a sophisticated place to put those ashes before placing them in the hole, I will gladly send him my vase. LOL

  20. :)

    Thanks for the offer, Maria.

    Now- if that vase is GREEN he might be interested! haha


  21. Glad you got to read the SMOKING Post...I am always in hopes that it might help someone stop, or at least seriously consider stopping---and of course, NEVER Starting in the first place! It certainly was a seductive habit and one that they say is harder to break than Heroin. I only know one person who still smokes....! Thanks for reading it Junie....

  22. Junie - Seeing Charles with that post hole digger makes my back sore (just to look at it). As for the food... that just makes me want to go eat! ~ jb///

  23. Looks like some mighty fine grub! ;)

  24. Naomi,

    If I could have ONE WISH it would be for all the people I love to stop - or never start- smoking!...
    And I love everybody!! :)

    I never had the habit- though I have smoked a little bit in my young years.

    Something good came of me being too poor to afford the habit, I guess!

    Thanks for writing that post...hopefully it will help some people.


  25. Hi Tammy,

    Yep- It was mighty good!

  26. Hi JB,


    Yah- I know what you mean! This gardening thing has been kinda hard on us this long-hot summer!

    We need some lessons in retirement, I think!!

