Saturday, September 08, 2007

Victory Ride-Sept 8 - '07

Charles asked me first thing this morning if I'd like to take a ride on the Victory! Of course I said, "Sure!"

In truth tho, I wasn't really feeling too up for it, as I had got to bed very late last night! I haven't felt top notch in quite some time now! A lot of factors figure into this , I think!
The hot weather...the worry over my ailing and old out of whack blood pressure... to name a few things! And the fact that I haven't slept well in a long time...
( I am- finally- sleeping better, tho, with the new bed :0 and finally got the lower box - so I'm not afraid I'll roll off and break something during the night. The new box and thinner slats brought it down 5-6 inches! Now I can get in bed without a step ladder!! ;) ) You can see in the picture above that my bed now is about level with the window shelf- whereas before it was way above it!

The weather wasn't bad for riding- as long as we kept moving! We went to have breakfast then headed out into the countryside. There was nothing spectacular about this ride but it was pleasant enough. I always enjoy the scenery on our rides.
Here we are just starting out:

( Click on pics to enlarge )

And here are some of the scenes along the way:

We were not out more than 3 hours -however-
when we got home I was totally wasted, so had to crash in my bed for a while! I immediately fell asleep and slept for more than 2 hours!


I have heard it said that," getting old is not for sissies!"

Actually, I think getting old makes sissies of us all!

Oh well! A nice day and nice ride!

( Looking forward to cooler weather and longer rides!)

Hope you've all had a good day!



  1. Another beautiful Victory guys look great! I'm sure those rides in the open air help you feel better Junie. Lots of hugs...

  2. Ohhh, what fun that ride would have been. The pictures are great!! Pretty scenery!

    B12 is giving that CD rave reviews!!

  3. I meant b13. (Another late night for me!!)

  4. It looks like you saw some sweet things along your ride, Junie....Glad you enjoyed the post about my brother...He had a motorcycle as a teenager...It was before Helmets and he had a minor accident and knocked some front teeth out, among other things---THAT ended his two year love affair with 'the bike'...!

    It is strange about getting older....I NEVER took naps--even as a child...Now, I just sudden;y find myself waking up at the end of some movie on TV...having slept for almost two hours...! This is a daunting time in ones life in many ways, especially if you have some health issues...I know that my life is quite different now.

  5. Hi June ~` Nice pictures from your ride. Glad your bed is lower for you and that you are sleeping better now.
    Old age isn't a lot of fun, sometimes but it is sure better than the alternative !! Glad you liked my flowers, thanks for the visit.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  6. Hi Junie, Nice photo's from your ride on Victory, I hope all that fresh air helps you feel better and hope the new bed gives you a good night sleep, Take care

  7. Thanks, all, for your nice comments!

    I will visit everyone later today.


  8. Hi Junie,
    Looks like it was a fun ride. Hope you start feeling a bit better soon.
    I think getting a good sleep will do wonders.

  9. I'm like you Miz Junie...just not feeling top notch at all...the hot weather (still!!) allegies and the angst of finding a new home for Clarence...all very hard on the emotions and health!

    I'm glad you got to get out and see some pretty countryside and hope there is cooler weather ahead!!

  10. Hi Susie,

    Happy to see you back! And thanks for coming by .

    I am sleeping a little better so maybe that will help get me back on track pretty soon.



  11. Hi Tammy,

    Thanks for visiting...and am sory you too are still not feeling the best!

    I know having to get rid of your cat is a hard decision for you.

    ...and my situation with my poodle has been a hard thing for me!

    ...but time has a way of working these things out for us, I guess.


  12. Hi again June ~~ Thanks for your comments. Glad you liked my pictures with the flowers draped over them.
    It was great, Geoff and Joanne coming
    and sprucing up my garden. Glad you liked the poem, but it is sad we miss so much and don't take time to really
    see the wonders of the world. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  13. What a fun ride! Fresh air and sunshine always make me lazy and sleepy so I'm sure I would have done the same thing as you....came home and fell asleep!

  14. Janet,

    Thanks for visiting.
