Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Getting it together...

Hey Folks,

Yesterday I managed to get a lot of presents wrapped...but today had to go out to finish up with my tonight -way into the wee hours- I will be wrapping again! As usual I have had a time trying to balance everything out for everyone!

Had to make another trip to the grocery store too. My son has requested a dinner on the 21st. -and we will exchange our gifts with him that evening. He has to work on Christmas Eve-when we all normally are together for our present openings! We also have invited my sister and her husband over and my nephew, too. ...This means I will have to have my house all festive and spiffy and full of cheer- 3 whole days early!! Can I do it? Well...we'll see- lol- If not I will just have to fake it!

Trust me! I can do it! I can bring it all together!


Last night I was up late talking with some Dan Fogelberg fans on a message forum I visit-and also with a good friend of mine. It helps to have people who cared about Dan and his music, to share in the memories!...And today when I went shopping I once again played his beautiful Christmas cd- 'The First Christmas Morning.'

If I could I would share this with all of you - my blog buddies!
I promise you- there would be no regrets if you buy this cd.
It would make a Perfect gift for anyone!




  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    hi junie rose! i wish i was your sister so i could come visit for the holidays. i know you are going to have some awesome food!!! can't wait to see all the pictures you'll undoubtedly post! hope you have a wonderful holiday!!!

  2. hi Bonnie,


    Truth be told- I am not full of Christmas cheer this year - for a lot of different many bad things have been happening the past 2-3 months...Of course losing my nephew in late Oct. was hard for the whole family.

    I have just felt overwhelmed, too, with all the changes in our family- and my daughter being so sick...Oh- all kinds of worries...

    The latest thing is the news of Dan's silly as some ppl. might find this to be- it has deeply saddened me. Dan's music has been a 'constant' with me for more than 30 years...and I knew there was always that possibility of going to see him in concert- or looking forward to a new cd being released! :(

    It will get better- I know!


  3. Anonymous12:46 AM

    i know its been a tough one for you -- but you are such a source of joy to so many people. pretty remarkable -- and you know in march we will have "known" each other seven years! there has definitely been a lot of stuff happen in those seven years -- some of it even good!!! lol. i don't have a lot of fun around the holidays either. too much work and never enough time for the fun stuff. my plan this year -- for the first time since i moved to Reno in 1978 -- for the first time i am thinking about going downtown on new year's eve -- only because cory's band is playing at the bowling stadium and i have a couple of other single gal friends who are interested in going. watch out reno! a car load of old women going to a heavy metal show at the bowling stadium! hee haw! lol.......

    as far as your feelings regarding dan.....doesn't help, i know, but you have some wonderful memories!

    keep up the good work, june! TTYL

  4. HI Junie,I Just popped in to wish you a wonderful Christmas and festive season.Then I read your post Sorry to read of all your sad news at Christmas time.I will be a regular visitor again in the new year it that time of the year when i have a house full so blogging has to go on the back burner and i will return soon as possible....

  5. Hi June, I was saddened to hear of Dan Fogelberg's passing, he wasn't an artist that I knew well but I really liked the stuff I'd heard.
    Hope you have a great Christmas with the family all gathered around.

  6. Dear Bonnie,

    Yes, we definitely have seen a lot of changes in these 7 years we've known each other- and had a lot of fun times- shared a lot of things , both good and bad. You go back further than any of my online friends and I appreciate your friendship very much.

    Hey! That sounds like a good plan you and your friends have cooked up! Wish I could be there too! :)

    As for Dan- I will always have his music to enjoy. I just feel sad that he died so young.


  7. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for coming by. I, too, have been a little slack in keeping up with the blogs- and often read without leaving a comment.

    Thanks for your good wishes and I truly hope you and your loved ones enjoy the holiday too.


  8. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for coming by .

    Yep- a bummer losing Dan Fogelberg at such a young age. I have been very sad since hearing the news, but will always have his beautiful music to enjoy.

    Hope you enjoy Christmas with your family- or someone of them , anyway!


  9. Peter-

    Someone=SOME in the above post! :(

    Sorry for the typo!


  10. Hi JR, I have no doubt that you will be ready for all of your festivities. From the pics we've seen I'd say you're ready.

  11. Thanks, Cliff,

    I hope you're right!!

